Okay y'all here me out.
I've been doing this whole binging anime/manga for well over a decade now.
Only last year did I have problems not being able to watch full seasons in a day or even getting through a single episode. Hell, I was struggling to read 3 chapters in a row.
Then I quit social media. No facebook, no reddit, no youtube, nothing.
Turns out it was the instant dopamine feedback loop. My brain couldn't be fucked watching anime as I could get a quicker hit doomscrolling.
Now I've got that focus back. I'm up to date on all the anime I'm watching this season, reading manga doesn't need a distraction in between chapters and considering I've got more time on my hands, I've started getting in daily exercise.
I've been doing hard drugs since I was a young teen and nothing has fucked up my brain like social media has.
Take a step back and dry out, y'all are showing burnout that you only usually see in meth heads and heroin junkies, it's not healthy.