I don’t know why everyone is saying fuck Tappytoon when in the first place, they aren’t the ones going after illegal translations. It’s always the artists or original publishers. Haven’t you guys notice that a great deal of Tappytoon’s titles still get translated if the fan TL is ahead unless the author or artist notices and tweets about it or asks the fan group to stop privately? In the second place, piracy is wrong. If the creator doesn’t allow it and especially if there’s an official translated version, it’s wrong and you’re basically stealing from artists who often have to hire assistants out of their own pocket (I’ve seen webtoon artists say they have to, whereas with many manga even those that aren’t that popular the publishers will give them assistants to help draw). The modestly popular ones usually make a decent amount of money, but when you count how many hours they work, it’s practically minimum wage. When it comes down to it, these are luxuries, not something you truly need or something that will help you on your way to attain something you need.
If they don’t get paid enough for their work, they just won’t do it, or maybe they want to but the publishing company cancels the series due to poor sales, or they have to put out much less content due to working another job in order to pay the bills and maybe support dependents. That’s just how this world works.
I read fan TLs if there’s no official or they’re further ahead and buy them once they’re available but I know most people aren’t like me. I would do the same as these artists, and don’t lie and say you wouldn’t either. Who would work such grueling hours on tight deadlines for free?