I Don't Love You Anymore - Vol. 1 Ch. 13

Fed-Kun's army
Aug 7, 2018
uhhh if the guy i was devoted to for 10!! YEARS!!! and who barely looked my way and frequently called me a disgusting eyesore said "why are we breaking up this is all so sudden" i would drop kick him and throw him out a window LMAO
Oct 12, 2020
I'll be frank, even if he was crying while reading the letters I didn't feel one ounce of pity for him, in fact I feel that much worse for MC.

She tried so hard, she gave him everything, all of her efforts, all of her devotion, all of herself, and how did he repay her?
He told her she was disgusting, and threw divorce papers in her face the moment he came back. He treated her like so much trash.
And now he's suffering because she's not coming back?

Bitch, you don't deserve sympathy, not one bit of it.

I agree with the Emperor, how does Wistrash have such a good reputation? 😒
Oct 30, 2020
No matter what this story does I’ll never feel bad for Wistrash, I’ll enjoy his suffering more lol
Fed-Kun's army
Jan 3, 2021
@Booppoot @Kingdo
It makes sense.
Ten years of neglect and he only just realized just how badly he screwed up. Now that he realized, he now just wants to believe that he can still make things right. He likely just doesn't want to accept that he really is just too late and he lost her for good. I'm a sucker for redemption stories, so this story will only be as interesting as long as the guy actually can start to learn to let go of it and learn to become a friend.
Jan 19, 2019
He doesn’t love her. He’s just upset that something he thought was always his suddenly got taken from him. She’s been there for 10 years, so he thought she’d be there forever. And now she’s suddenly moving up in the world? Treating him like he’s wronged her? It’s a pride thing. You can’t suddenly love someone you’ve ignored for a decade. He wants to be comfortable again. He’s the type to fear any change that doesn’t explicitly benefit him
Oct 27, 2019
I don’t feel bad for the ex-fiancé at all. He’s reaping what he sowed. The girl suffered for 10 years from neglect and disrespect, it’s actually his sudden change that’s hard to believe.

Sure he may have developed some emotions after 10 years but they don’t strike me as romantic interest so it shouldn’t matter to him what’s happening with the MC now.
Oct 7, 2020
That “please” before the “shut up” really hit different. It feels like she’s saying so much more “please shut up, you don’t know what you’re talking about, I wanted to give you my everything and you turn around and start accusing me of being an opportunist? You think I spent ten years of my life loving you just to end it the moment some better offer comes up? How low do you think of me? Do you think the ten years of my life that I spent loving you were fake, do they mean absolutely nothing to you? You ***hole?????”
Dec 9, 2020
he really is a piece of shit like really she loved you and you only care about her after she wants nothing to do with you.
Dex-chan lover
Mar 12, 2018
I love it where there is not a single comment supporting the Wistrash guy 🤣

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