I Fell in Love, so I Tried Livestreaming. - Ch. 46 - A White Threat Appears

Fed-Kun's army
Aug 30, 2020
Ok, I guess that the trap's motives could be somewhat warranted, given that he just don't wanna see the girl get hurt. But then again, using underhanded methods like this just don't sit well with me. He should confront them directly. When he confronted the MC and Takane, he was very round-about, nothing really direct. If he does suspect him, he should confront directly. I just hate the underhanded tactics, and since we as readers know the truth, and how pure the MC is, we can't help but hate that underhanded tactic.
Dex-chan lover
Jan 18, 2018


Aggregator gang
Jan 6, 2020
I love how the joke is supposed to be that when Vina try's to act cool, he's not supposed to be. But imo, Vina is probably one of the coolest characters in the series
Dex-chan lover
Oct 12, 2018
Jesus this fucking hurts. I had this exact thing happen to me, minus the crossdressing
Jun 30, 2019
@Ravi2000 That is the likely outcome, based on the normal standard of first girl wins, so you should end up happy. However, I think that just pairing "best boy" and "best girl" together without considering "fit" might be a good approach, but also might not be the best approach. I agree with you that they are the "best boy" and "best girl" (and I don't think it is close), but think about how amazing the antics would be of Usagi and White Crow LARPing together all over the place would be. I would totally read a spin-off manga of their life as adults, still going around dressing up as an assassin and Bunny Soldier(?) and playing all over the place. A collaboration stream by them would also be pretty awesome.

I also think that Takane fits better with Yuu, in that they can each help each other come out of their shell more, at a pace comfortable for both of them. They also are very considerate of other people's feelings, and are very supportive (though, obviously, Viina also fits in that category really well).

For those trying to defend Souta as "just trying to make sure Jimi isn't hurt", you seem to have serious short-term memory issues. He was acting that way before he started being more interested in her, when he still saw her as troublesome. The reason he is terrible is that he assumes the worst in everybody, then tries to trip them up any way that he can, to "prove" how terrible they are. We can see that, because Yuu tries to be nice and friendly, he has become more suspicious, even though he is just trying to genuinely be friends with people. If you are looking for one mistake to write somebody off, it is easy to find one, or to interpret something that is actually innocent as nefarious, and thus right them off without ever really giving them a chance.

Almost everybody else in the dorm is willing to think well of their housemates until proven otherwise, whereas Souta thinks ill of his housemates unless he gets overwhelming evidence to the contrary, and even then, he would be willing to assume the worst of them again for one mistake. That is why he is the worst.
Apr 4, 2020
I KNEW IT, souta has very probably been set up to fall for that unbearable tsundere neko girl... hahh not looking forward to see them pushed as beta couple

dog boy and cat girl are insufferable and thus meant for each other, i wish they were endgame but surely won't happen

everybody seems to hate souta but i think he's the most refreshing one along with vina?? they're my best boys and the least cliche out of the roncom stereotyope gang, today's first half of the chapter was a blessing
Jun 29, 2019
I wonder if someone didnt know about the internel G. I. R. L. s(guy in real life) and is now forever butthurt against every man in earth because he got used by someone?
Dex-chan lover
Aug 20, 2020
The one time that Vina doesn't make this series better. I can usually count on Vina to at least rescue this heap, but not here.
Dex-chan lover
Jan 20, 2018
Really Vina is just on another level, he is build differently from the other characters.

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