I Gave Birth to the Villain's Child - Ch. 11

Aug 19, 2020
I just love this translation team so much haha, your memes and quirks are so funny! Keep up the great work!
Apr 19, 2019
If we look at it from the perspective of "how can Nit get the best upbringing possible" -- I'm supportive of the ML being pushy.

IMO the FL is *clearly* depressed (normal after all the abuse) and as a result, she wanted to isolate her son. With the ML's influence, we see him going to school, meeting kids his own age, having healthy interactions with a father/male figure, etc.
Aggregator gang
Aug 25, 2019

thank you for the update!
Apr 28, 2020
Thank you guys so much for sharing this series with us!
Dex-chan lover
Jul 23, 2018

Buddy, who hurts you lmao.
I think you're also forget that she's so depressed, she's barely functional and did everything in isolation (which is not healthy). He moved her to main building probably to get better treatment and watch her closely. And about her child, it's understandable because she's so thin, her son should be more careful.
Like seriously, thing he did is still normal. He even asked the servant to leave during meal and didn't force her to do the duchess responsible.
Dex-chan lover
Jun 27, 2018
@blazing_daze this is just story but

Sep 26, 2020

Read an actually psychology book and learn some reading comprehension, so you not stuck being so deeply unintelligent further.
What he didn't isn't normal at which is why I used actual psychology terminology about his behavior. Of course Id get the weeboo that thinks they know more then actually scientist and psychologist to @ me, instead of looking up the therapies I mentioned. He made it very clear he was doing more then just having her be in the same building 🙄,he told her she has to sleep with him as well. Someone who is scared of people, which she clearly stated she is ,wouldn't want to be in close content with anyone. Also the two house aren't even that far apart, he walks their everyday. Most doctors and medical professionals that have live in patients at hospitals still have their privacy between visits of medial professionals. He is close enough to check on her already and give her personal space. This response is so stupid "Mr. tragedy" its like you never been in a hospital before or at minimum scene one on tv ! In addition to the fact that he isn't a therapist which is what would actually help her. The man is wealthy he could hire a specialist for her he wanted to give her care from someone who knew what they were doing. Even if it's just a doctor and not a full therapist.

Also you are incredibly stupid if you think just because someone is thin they can't hold a child, having depression effects a certain part of the brain and a mentality towards a person's self like , it doesn't remove the cognitive ability or make someone unable to be mother unless they reach the point of having high suicidal ideation which she does not. Being depressed doesn't mean being fragile in all aspects nor is it an intelligence disorder, so she isn't magical stupid now either. In addition to the fact that she clearly stated she wanted to hold her child, and he took him away from her. Positive social interaction from a loved one has proven to be improve conditions towards anyone that is sick, including someone with depression. Even if your trying to help someone, if they don’t trust you ,the care they receive will still be horrible. This is why medical professionals develop *bedside manner* and *rapport* in the first place. In addition He had the servants in the room on purpose after he is already knows she is scared of them. If he cared he wouldn't of had them present in the first place. That's like putting a spider in someone's bed who suffers from arachnophobia and then removing it after they have a panic attack. It's clear emotional abuse. He later says she can “do whatever she wants” after making her sleep with him, be around people, and taking away her child”. All things that she screamed she doesn’t want to do. This is obvious gaslighting to anyone with a shred of common sense, so I suppose I see what level you are at. On top of the fact that if you hear someone say they don’t want to do something, and they are screaming in terror to protest it but a man/woman forces them to do it anyway, you have a rapist mentality. None of this helps depression or malnourishments.

@Snowave Look I see that you're the type to turn of your brain of because "its manga", but the majority of every other person out side of fragile manga fans critics media. That's what a critic is !
Ergo :Critic
ergo: Media studies
ergo: reviews about all books/manga/tv and other piece of media on the planet.
Your ignorance isn't an excuse, the wider world has the common sense to understand that entertainment media is for people, by people, ergo its judged by reality of the real world. Just because its manga doesn't exempt it from criticism. If a character is given real life mental health issue and they are depicted badly most people point it out.
Sep 26, 2020

Read an actually psychology book and learn some reading comprehension, so you not stuck being so deeply unintelligent further.
What he didn't isn't normal at which is why I used actual psychology terminology about his behavior. Of course Id get the weeboo that thinks they know more then actually scientist and psychologist to @ me, instead of looking up the therapies I mentioned. He made it very clear he was doing more then just having her be in the same building 🙄,he told her she has to sleep with him as well. Someone who is scared of people, which she clearly stated she is ,wouldn't want to be in close contact with anyone. Also the two house aren't even that far apart, he walks their everyday. Most doctors and medical professionals that have live in patients at hospitals still have their privacy between visits of medial professionals. He is close enough to check on her already and give her personal space. This response is so stupid "Mr. tragedy" its like you never been in a hospital before or at minimum seen one on tv ! In addition to the fact that he isn't a therapist which is what would actually help her. The man is wealthy he could hire a specialist for her he wanted to give her care from someone who knew what they were doing. Even if it's just a doctor and not a full therapist.

Also you are incredibly dense if you think just because someone is thin they can't hold a child, having depression effects a certain part of the brain and a mentality towards a person's self like , it doesn't remove the cognitive ability or make someone unable to be mother unless they reach the point of having high suicidal ideation which she does not. Being depressed doesn't mean being fragile in all aspects nor is it an intelligence disorder, so she isn't magical stupid now either. In addition to the fact that she clearly stated she wanted to hold her child, and he took him away from her. Positive social interaction from a loved one has proven to be improve conditions towards anyone that is sick, including someone with depression. Even if your trying to help someone, if they don’t trust you ,the care they receive will still be horrible. This is why medical professionals develop *bedside manner* and *rapport* in the first place. In addition He had the servants in the room on purpose after he is already knows she is scared of them. If he cared he wouldn't of had them present in the first place. That's like putting a spider in someone's bed who suffers from arachnophobia and then removing it after they have a panic attack. It's clear emotional abuse. He later says she can “do whatever she wants” after making her sleep with him, be around people, and taking away her child”. All things that she screamed she doesn’t want to do. This is obvious gaslighting to anyone with a shred of common sense, so I suppose I see what level you are at. On top of the fact that if you hear someone say they don’t want to do something, and they are screaming in terror to protest it but a man/woman forces them to do it anyway, you have a rapist mentality. None of this helps depression or malnourishments.

@Snowave Look I see that you're the type to turn of your brain of because "its manga", but the majority of every other person out side of fragile manga fans critics media. That's what a critic is !
Ergo :Critic
ergo: Media studies
ergo: reviews about all books/manga/tv and other piece of media on the planet.
Your ignorance isn't an excuse, the wider world has the common sense to understand that entertainment media is for people, by people, ergo its judged by reality of the real world. Just because its manga doesn't exempt it from criticism. If a character is given real life mental health issue and they are depicted badly most people point it out.
Jan 18, 2020
hell yea @Flightless Bird, you guys ARE anything but subpar! love that self confidence my dudes
Dex-chan lover
Jul 23, 2018

So basically, you're telling me it's better for her to stay like that. Got it. Very helpful. Just let her stay in there, remain sleeping without any change. Yeah man, the servant and he still checks her out on time, but like you stated, at this point nothing will change if you let her stay that way.

Look, she doesn't want servant but obviously needs it. She insists on doing everything alone, which she isn't much capable of. (You know very well how bad can it be for depressed people 😔).
The servants are already in there because it is common for servant to remain near dining room during guest or master eating so it's easier to call them. I admire your research in psychology, but you also need to look at the story setting. 😅

And he doesn't take him away for her, holy shit. He's basically telling the kid to be more careful with his mother. How the heck you even come to that conclusion amaze me. The kid will still stay next to her mother, but probably won't jump out to her. She can still hug him, hold his hand, etc.
Also, how old is the kid again? 😂

My only problem is whether they'll sleep together or not like your point because she's obviously doesn't want it yet. Maybe in future if they'll get close, but in present, I cross my arm.
Sep 26, 2020

Look at you- showing off your lack of reading comprehension skills again. When I already said this
“The man is wealthy he could hire a specialist for her he wanted to give her care from someone who knew what they were doing. Even if it's just a doctor and not a full therapist”

So “calling a medical professional”= “is doing nothing ” To you, very telling. I clearly named the professionals needed to help her in her situation. There is a huge difference in people like yourself, who are inhumane and support men that are violent towards their wife and children , which I just described and medical professional that spent years yearning how to help patient in a college. Yes, mental and emotional abuse is still an act of violence like sexual and physical abuse. Also she doesn’t “need” servants”. It a social class ideology that wealthy people need slaves/servants to help them put their clothing on, cook food or clean up after themselves. You don’t’ have a shred of common sense if you think basic housekeeping that millions of people do everyday is something she can’t do. She has been doing it for a while by herself your as well, so your statement is false either way. You are talking a lot of clinical depression but its pretty obvious you have no idea how the mental illness works, its incredible ableist of you. Doing simple task routinely helps people with depression, and people with many other mental illnesses. A set and routine schedule can be found in as necessary for people with substance abuse* autism* and numerous other mental health issues. If you had even a curious look at the *Diagnostic and statistical manual of mental disorders 5th edition* you would know that "a complete inability to do any task" is not listened under depression unless its in extreme case, which has not been depicted in this story at all.

He took the child out her arms when she was holding him, the image is very clear. In fact, they were only hugging in the image and he yanked him by the collar of his shirt. You real make it obvious that you think assaulting children is okay if you yanking a child up from their clothing is proper parenting! He also is gaslighting the five year child by telling him “if a big boy like you jumps on his mother she will break”. He didn’t tell him to “be careful” at all- that just a lie on your part to support violence against woman and children. His face when mother & child are are embracing is that of clear disgust , so it was not done out of care for either of them. Starting to social isolation a victims from loved one is an abuser tactic and its clear that he is doing that. I'm just not an repugnant child and woman hater like yourself , that is the only reason why I don’t share your false conclusions.

ML- face in chapter 11, before yanking the kid, just because their were hugging.

Dex-chan lover
Jul 23, 2018

I do share the knowledge about routine, but most of them do it on auto or without feeling it at all. They wake up, do the routine and that's it. And yes, just because someone depression doesn't mean they can't do task, but that what really makes it concerning. The moment they doesn't feel like they want to do it is where the worse part comes. Tbh, I think she's only alive for her son because her spirit is broken long time ago.
I know he's called a doctor, but the doctor may also give vary solutions including try something new, a hobby or new routine. After all, there's no clear solutions to fix depression since each individuals have different treatment. Basically, what you say is true. The routine is fine, but she also needs to reach out for something different.
Regarding the servant, if she lives is smaller house, I see no problems, but she lives in mansion. 😂
I won't say take the whole staffs, but please at least take one or two.

I still can't classified this exactly as gaslight tho. Yes, this man is fucking petty as fuck to get jealous to a child but gaslight? I've seen real case example even worse. If he's really a douche, he won't bother to reassure her that no one will hurt her, but keeping her in blur line thinking something is wrong with her and making her remain scared of getting kick out to keep her in leash. That's more of gaslight to me.
I think instead of getting to conclusions, it's better to see new chapters come out first to see development. I do wish we have steady healing step by step.😅
Sep 26, 2020
Calling a doctor and helping a person entails them actually talking to the patient first so that's a false statement, though it was never fully stated if he called a doctor. The man is a noble, so he has subordinates, probably a butler who he was talking to get a secondary opinion, it was not a professional medical one. There are many different types and stages of depression in the first place as well as different types of depression, considering you haven’t tried to refute any of my points from the medical standpoint point you really don’t know what your talking and are just siding with an abuser based on no facts at all.

Well yeah you already establish you are a child abuse apologist, so what if you don’t think abusing children mental is //not// gaslighting?! Child rapist don’t think they do anything wrong either this doesn’t excuse or mean anything. If you think its okay doesn't change if a child is rape or not, or vise versa. Abuse isn’t a contest either, so it doesn’t matter if you “think” you have seen worst, one act of violence doesn’t excuse the other. What he did is gaslighting plan and simple, your feelings don’t change the facts. Domestic abuser put their spouse in danger in the first place and make them reply on them, as I already described before. If your going to rebut the abuse you would have to stop cherry picking and look at his entire behavior not the one parts where he was *nice*. You also ignored how rough he is being with his child as well after denying it 🤔, which is just further evidence that you think abusing woman and children is fine. The next chapter in a story doesn’t change what happened in the current chapter either, romanticized abuse doesn’t negate male violence in shoujo regardless of the apologist fan base think whatever rape, murder, slaver or abuse is okay in the first place.

A person gains the moniker of abuser, by doing the abusive action “once”
A la, if you kill someone in cold blood you’re a murder
If you sell a person for money you’re a slaver
Etc etc, “waiting to see if they do it murder a few more times/or what ever crime/ more then one time or [“in the next chapter”] are not the qualification for classifying violence.
Dex-chan lover
Jul 23, 2018

Okay, now I'm confused why you stated him as domestic abuser. It's as what he did is wrong to you. Can you please at least explain why he's abuser? Sure he makes her living together with him, but from his perspective, he's doing it to makes her having better life and the son too. And they only live in contract marriage, not the one filled with love. They don't love each other, they just want partnership.
I get calling Endeavour from BNHA like that and I can spot horrible ML in second, but even I have hard time how is this gaslight? You're explain her psychological, but can you explain why this is considered gaslight? Just because he wants to help her? Are you sure you're not projecting something here?? Sure his way of help is not the best, but??? I'm really failed to see how this is gaslight? This is like I want to treat an injured person, but the person refuse my help. Is it bad if I still patch the person and heal them?
Like bruh, is that man ever do act of violence to her. He disregards her wish, but that's not considered violence?
Fact doesn't care about feeling, but can we get the fact clear first? You don't want to get the truth mixed up after all.
Sep 26, 2020

I* already stated everything he did in all my previous post 🍵 . Its not surprising you pretend to be confused when you don't even do the basic of reading comprehensions or reading what I said , let alone address anything I said . [A]

*So what if he thinks he is doing right from his perspective? rapist ,serial killer ,Nazis and other ilk think what they are doing is right as well.

*You seem to think physically violence is the only type of violence, which is factually wrong I already listed what those where as well in said previous post 🍵 [*B]
Also you need consent from an Injured person to treat them as well, that's another crime lol. Unless you live in some sort of fascist government people choose their medical provider lol. Their are lots of reasons someone might reject a stranger, doctor or not from aid. In fact I talked about medical professionals & clients a bit in my older post as well 🥱 Your entire argument strategy is just circular logic of asking the same thing that has been addressed over and over again lol. Its very obvious. [C]

Well yeah your child abuser apologist, still ignore the fact that I proved your lies wrong. Even the one where I used the comic image and quoted the story to refute another one of your lies. So natural you think gaslighting and abusing woman and children is fine. 🥱 The fact are all laid out your just not addressing them because you they'd prove ya wrong. It's all record in the chat, and the information is still their so their no excuse for you “not getting it 🤪”.

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