I Love You, as a Friend - Vol. 1 Ch. 1

Jul 16, 2020
@3ds1234 yea, she sucked some dude and a little while later she kissed another dude. I remember her washing her mouth too. What's the big deal here? It's a damn manga. Obviously it's bad that she kissed him without consent, but y'all don't seem to care so much about that. From what I've read, everyone is butthurt because she fools around. People wouldn't say anything if she was a guy, they'd probably be fine with it. I'm not a feminist or anything, nor do I give a crap about gender norms or whatever, but incels have a lot to say about any woman that likes sex. It's pretty pathetic.
Aggregator gang
Apr 23, 2020
@qowboykay I'm not sure if people would be alright if she was a guy at least I know I wouldn't. Imo I see the problem more with assaulting the guy when he's told her no multiple times and her refusing to listen. I don't really care if she's had multiple partners tho that does infer a loose personality which if people like that more power to them but it is gross doesn't matter the sex.

I think it's a combination of sucking another guy off and then kissing another guy after being told no is what's disgusting people more than if the actions were seperate
Jul 16, 2020
@3ds1234 Unlike most of the misogynistic morons on this thread I can kinda see where you're coming from. However, I still disagree with most of what you're saying. There is a marked and obvious different between how people treat female "whores/sluts" and male "players", even what they are referred as is drastically different. The terms for females are extremely derogatory, and while you could say that the term "player" also has a slightly negative connotation (many would argue otherwise) it's still far less "severe" of a term. Some people also use the terms "man-whore" "man-slut" or "gigolo", but their usage is almost infinitesimal compared to the previous terms, and it's by no means because men fool around less than women (more often than not, it's the reverse that's true). Casual sex does not make one a "whore".
From my perspective, as long as there is consent between all parties involved, it's fine. I do agree that her forcing herself on him would be very unacceptable in reality, because of the lack of consent, but that is not what my comment was addressing. 80% of the comments don't even mention the fact that yui said no, they are solely concerned with what she blew a dude before, and that she has sex with a lot of different guys. It's not like she finished the act and then just turned around and kissed him. Is there a set time that she should have waited? From the chapter it seems like it's been at least 20 minutes or half an hour. Would it have been fine if she had waited 1 hour? 2? 3? She did wash her mouth out right?
I know people that really have their lives together, guys and girls, who are sex-fiends. I don't think less of them for that. Personally, I would like if my partners didn't have a ton of other partners before me, but that's just my preference, and I know plenty of people that are fine with that not being the case. Regardless, I don't think that you should shun people or say they have a "loose personality" if they like to have a lot of sex. It's a pretty old-fashioned mindset to have, especially nowadays. As long as what other people do isn't hurting anybody directly or even indirectly, I don't believe it's anyone's place to put others down based on their internalized prejudices.

I'd like to stress that I'm not saying all this because you all are insulting a fictional manga character. I don't like white-knighting, and white-knighting for a 2d girl is not what I'm going for, there are so many other hills I'd rather die on. I'm trying to address how incels and neckbeards see women. They have this idealized vision in their minds that they'll fall in love together with a pure maiden and she'll tell them "kyaa, be gentle, it's my first time" and all that crap you read in other manga. The real world doesn't work like that, and neither do women. This mindset is pretty toxic, and if anyone finds themselves thinking these types of things they really need to reevaluate their mentality. Double standards are a real problem in our society, and not only concerning things like this, or only for women. It's one thing to say some stupid things in a manga comments thread, but it's a real issue when it bleeds into real life. Whatever anyone might say, words hurt, and you should try to give everyone a degree of compassion.
Aggregator gang
Apr 23, 2020
@qowboykay I see your point of view and I agree for the most part. One thing I want to point out is I said loose personality through pure observation of her actions. How quick she is to offer sex or sexual contact to someone she's meeting for the first and blowing someone else's bf. Through these actions I've came up with the conclusion that she's pretty sexually active and doesn't really have much issues with who she does it with.

Now if you have issues with me just describing her as loose fine but I was in no way shunning her. In that same sentence I did say I didn't really have issues if she's had multiple partners in the past just that I find the action gross. Finding an action someone does doesn't mean shunning it just means I find what they do gross and from there you go further down the rabbit hole of what one considers gross that they won't associate with a person vs what they find gross but still will. Point is I disagree with the statement that I'm shunning her. Judging her sure but not shunning
Jul 16, 2020
@3ds1234 Understandable. I respect your explanation. However, many people do not share the same sentiments as you or I, from what I've read in the comments. I don't really have an issue with what you've said, but I do take issue with other comments specifically. Those are who was referring to in my first comment.
Fed-Kun's army
Jul 16, 2018
Soo many triggered virgins here. Im a virgin too but gee, calm your 0.1pm dick.

Its just the setting
Fed-Kun's army
Jun 11, 2019
Bruh she really just sucked a dick and put her tongue in another dude's mouth. That's just nasty bruh. Funny af tho
Fed-Kun's army
Jun 11, 2019
@qowboykay I don't got a problem with sucking a dude's dick or having multiple partners. Both are fine. Shoving ur tongue down someone's throat when they say no + the fact that you were just sucking dick like 5 mins ago is just gross. Gender doesn't play a role here. If a guy eats some pussy and then shoves his tongue down a girl's throat when she says no, that's equally nasty. Why would anyone want left over cum in their mouth, without consent?
Oct 11, 2019
man that guy really is a fucking bootlicker huh, we really do live in a society
Jul 16, 2020
@Podi125 I'm going to spell this out again very carefully because some people refuse to read properly. I said SPECIFICALLY that the fact that she kissed him without consent is pretty horrible, however, that is not what my comments are addressing, they are addressing the people that call people "whores" for having lots of partners. This is an issue that goes beyond the manga, and dumb incels don't understand how the world or women work. You shouldn't even be responding to posts you haven't even read properly, that should be common sense. I have talked about everything you have just said in my previous comments, so if you want to say something, take the time to educate yourself on the other side's point of view, THEN respond.
Fed-Kun's army
Jun 11, 2019
@qowboykay ye ik im just hoping they dont drop it again. Wanna at least be able to see a bit more so I can tell whether or not it is worth sticking around for. First and second chapter were pretty good. Felt like the rest were a bit weaker, especially the 5th one. Too many cliches.
May 20, 2020
@Tauin LOL, imagine sucking a dude in the school (i don't know if she actually did ) and then at first sight of another dude (you can call it love at first sight it if you want...) wanting to go out with him, getting rejected and stealing a kiss. Holy mother of god. That my friend it's a WHORE and a sexual offender. Now try to even imagine a dude doing that to a girl, wait, i think i can hear your thinking, what was it... not so fun huh.
May 20, 2020
@qowboykay don't want to be disrespectful or anything (just stating my opinion) but to me be it men or women, if you suck someone and then 5 min later kiss other person to me at least you will be a whore (i'm not english native so i don't know a word with same meaning for men so i use it for both genders 😉) , even if the other person agreed to kiss i see it as a bad thing. Im fine with people doing it i mind my own buisness, but in my eyes you'l be a whore.

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