1. ouuu princey realllyy likes miss lucy 2. is she (bridey) dumb??????????????????????????????????
JollA Joined Dec 31, 2019 Messages 28 Feb 6, 2021 #61 1. ouuu princey realllyy likes miss lucy 2. is she (bridey) dumb??????????????????????????????????
L Lenapertone Joined Jun 10, 2020 Messages 62 Feb 6, 2021 #62 Everyone talks about the prince but will no one answer the sparrow's question like my guy just asking what's house back riding
Everyone talks about the prince but will no one answer the sparrow's question like my guy just asking what's house back riding
WeissMargaux Member Joined Jul 6, 2020 Messages 109 Feb 6, 2021 #63 Lol y'all saying the crush is pure but that's just him being a horny teenage boy
Nuzhat Joined Oct 4, 2020 Messages 23 Feb 7, 2021 #64 Lucy deserves better, but they look good together.
rdirf Joined Oct 26, 2019 Messages 75 Feb 14, 2021 #66 And the purpose of including the sparrow into the story is... what exactly? If it was for additional comedy, it isn't working for me.
And the purpose of including the sparrow into the story is... what exactly? If it was for additional comedy, it isn't working for me.
readerofmanga Joined Apr 1, 2019 Messages 157 Feb 15, 2021 #67 His crushing makes me amazed and horrified at the same time 🙈
L LeonaMelody3 Joined Aug 15, 2020 Messages 2 Feb 23, 2021 #68 You know what? If he gets a redemption and becomes a better person, then sure, I'll ship it
redmikan Aggregator gang Joined Jan 18, 2018 Messages 812 Feb 26, 2021 #69 Amon is so cute HAHA And it seems blondina really believes no one will like her huh? I hope things get sorted out soon
Amon is so cute HAHA And it seems blondina really believes no one will like her huh? I hope things get sorted out soon
J Justashorty Joined Sep 27, 2020 Messages 623 Mar 2, 2021 #70 At least he’s better than his sister And B- please don’t start with these misunderstandings 💀✋🏾
ScribbleAoi Joined Oct 16, 2020 Messages 49 Mar 4, 2021 #71 Just a question, what's the relevance of the sparrow?? All it does is server a tiny bit of comedy but that it, nothing else
Just a question, what's the relevance of the sparrow?? All it does is server a tiny bit of comedy but that it, nothing else