I Shall Survive Using Potions!

Aug 30, 2018
I'll look forward to it so i can stop getting a migraine trying to read Loli's translations and figure out whats going on
Active member
Jan 22, 2018
can't we just leave the drama in the comments section lol. also to me it looks like a paneling issue that the author didn't give enough space to important motivation changes so even if you read the text it's not going to make much of an impact y'know. but kaoru was always pretty whimsical in my mind so i didn't even notice until they started putting the drama into actual chapter pages
Jan 19, 2018
omfg shut up already about the thing people didnt read on one fucking panel you nagging twat
other then that the translations are good enough i havnt had any trouble understanding anything, sure it could be better but its not needed to understand anything being said
Power Uploader
Jan 19, 2018
i think what a lot of people are forgetting is that there are a bunch of people with varying degrees of reading comprehension. So if the translation doesn't flow nicely they find it difficult to understand. Also, there are a lot of people where English is not the first language.

Personally i think the translation is fine, I can understand it easy. But, there are many people that legitimately have difficulty with "speed scan" quality translations.
Power Uploader
Jan 18, 2018

Thanks, that’s helpful.


Yeah that’s pretty much it. But we don’t read naturally like that. My eyes popping all over a page looking for what/where that text below a panel is meant to be.

I’m not saying I don’t get it, but if it’s this vs having it placed properly with a heavy “4-8px stroke effect” to cover the under text, then I’ll take the stroke effect.

As for the cleaning, it’s gotta be cleaned anyways even if your not doing redraws. It’s not hard or even difficult to add some effect to simple text.


I read probably between 80-200 chapters a week. Yes, a week. I’m a reader by nature. It’s my escape. A good book it’s me is like a comfortable heating pad in the middle of winter.

If I don’t have a book in hand, call 911, I’m probably deader close. Lol. Keeping all this in mind, while I do understand what’s being said about 90% of the time without much thought, the flow is what breaks the enjoyment. They definitely need a proofreader.

Yes pace might hurt for a bit too a flow starts but I’d rather have that...


Not entirely accurate. The leaches tend to not care about quality and want quantity. (I admit, I’d love to have an entire series dropped in my lap to its end, all ready and done in scanlation, but it’s rare)

There IS a middle of the road tho where you do it half decent at a good pace.
Active member
May 1, 2018
I didn’t see anything was wrong with the story, but the more Loli Mamoritai tries to explain it, the more the plot holes becomes obvious cause they keep being pointed out ?

Allow people to just enjoy the story okay? It’s fine if they have their own critiques of it, just because a story has holes in logic doesn’t mean it can’t be enjoyable. Also just because you like an author doesn’t mean they’re infallible. That’s just called white knigting and actually makes the fav author look bad.

There’s no actual deep meaning behind our MC’s actions. Sure, the author is finding acceptable justifications for them, but in the end, we are here because we want to see [‘Underestimated’ MC that tries to keep a low profile but ‘accidentally’ wows everyone instead with her OP powers]. That’s the appeal of the story and any justifications are just there so it’s believable enough as long as you don’t dig too deeply in it.

The scan qualities are making it occasionally hard to understand, which doesn’t help the case. But the story is still enjoyable regardless, and people who find fault in it will do regardless of how many angry rants are posted in the first page. (If anything, it fuels it because the arguments doesn’t really answer any of the plot holes the readers are pointing out. It comes down to:
Person A: “MC’s decision to stay normal and then go high profile doesn’t make sense! It’s contradictory!”
Person B: “But you didn’t read! She did it because she wants to help people!”
But B doesn’t really answer A, because there are a lot of ways to help the mass in the same way, even more, without having to become a high profile figure. It’s not the best solution there is, and that’s why people are questioning her decisions. A better explanation for her action is just that we readers enjoy her being high profile and seeing the other character’s reactions. It’s as simple as that.)

And it’s fine too since the MC is just a young girl; her thinking won’t be mature enough to think her action through so often she just does whatever, even if it’s not logical.

But manga scan pages in the middle of your reading just breaks the flow of the manga and really lowers the enjoyment, and if the goal was to make the manga seem like a good one, then it certainly isn’t helping.
Dex-chan lover
May 5, 2018
I thought the translation was very clear and is getting out so fast I can only praise the translator for it.
The party chapter had Kaoru going against all her past work but then explained why just after.
It makes people question what happened and then delivered a decent answer.
I like how the original author got tired of the -hiding power cliche- and decided to go on the -fuck it- route.
If you don't like the translation don't read it or read the novels to fill the blanks.
Jan 21, 2018
Ugh, this drama is making me wanna drop all of Loli Mamoritai's scans. It's bad when it invades the scanlations.
Jan 18, 2018
Hello, Maam/Sir Translator, I thank you for your quality work and I really appreciate your timely updates on this manga as I enjoy it. It isn't necessary to respond to those who are too lazy to analyze the plot or read the situation between chapters. If they are stupid, they are stupid. Don't let readers trigger you. Thanks again on the new chapter. I really enjoyed it.
Jan 18, 2018
I don't know why everyone keeps referring to Loli Mamoritai as a translator when they use machine translations.
Dex-chan lover
Jan 18, 2018
Dex-chan lover
May 25, 2018
Thanks. Um, I'd feel bad if I had to make Sonic a middleman in this drama when he's not remotely involved, so I'll just leave my personal reply to Loli Mamoritai where it is under the upload group's comment section. Hopefully, they'll see it. As I predicted, it's getting pretty spicy over here.
Jan 31, 2018
Well this story is a bit of a mess in the first place, what with the MC just kind of saying a bunch of stuff and everyone falling to their knees for some reason. The "translator" throwing in these snide pages isn't really improving it any, so I suppose I'll just drop it. Never sure why groups feel the need to do stuff like this.
Power Uploader
Jan 19, 2018
haha Loli Mamoritai is trying really hard to get the readers that comment here to understand the story. It feels like an almost desparate need to have the story approved of. That first page...... just let it be. The story will speak for itself. If people don't understand the plot then that's just too bad. No need to get all uppity and upset that a story you love isn't understood by some of the masses.
Group Leader
Jan 18, 2018
I should also probably throw in my two cents on all of this.
This has never been a good story. Even when it's not poorly translated, it isn't well written. It's your normal, generic, loli isekai. People really shouldn't expect much more.
I'm only translating this out of pure spite. That's been my motivation from the beginning and will continue to be my motivation.

I'm trying my best to write it in English in a way that explains things as best as possible, but I can tell you right now, she's flip-floppy. I understand her decision making process, but it still contradicts previous statements by her. You really shouldn't take what she's saying as an absolute. How else would she keep doing all of the "oh no a corrupt/perverted/evil nobleman/clergyman is going to do bad, exploitative things to our isekai loli protagonist! Oh, but wait, with her cheat abilities, and sharp wit, she'll soundly defeat the evil-doer and then everyone will clap."

It's not a good story. It's not well written. It's not even translated well, let alone scanlated well. Even the webnovel online is 95% google translate. It's awful all around.
But, I'm still doing it, I'ma ride this shitstorm to the end because spite compels me.
Dex-chan lover
Jan 18, 2018
@DrWhoCares Inb4 Loli Mussolini puts you in the cover page too and demands in broken english that you provide a written apology with war reparations
Active member
Jan 22, 2018
why is there a massive wall of text about her character when everybody is talking about the writing quality lol

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