Hey guys, what's up. SlowAF here.
I already translated this, but typesetting is taking a while cuz our only typesetter is bogged down with real life.
Hit me up if you want to contribute. Willing to train.
I translated the entire chapter, rather than just the half chapter, and I can tell you, a lot of this isn't just google translated, it's wrong.
I felt so lost reading this because it feels so similar to that 'Saving 80,000 gold coins for retirement' or whatever series. They're both so boring that they're just starting to bleed together
I hope SlowAF is able to put out more chapters, those 2 they released were the only 2 that made sense. The rest are like reading machine translations of machine translations.
Not sure the release rate matters, it's trash anyways. Seriously, the author has 3 isekais
(trying to cash in much?) and they all feel like a 10 year old wrote them they're so bad.