I Shall Survive Using Potions!

Dex-chan lover
Jan 21, 2018
So, the way I see it, regardless of the Manga, the translator, etc, we have three options: wait for someone else to translate it and read at that time (how about waiting until it is officially translated and buying it?), read the Manga as and when it is translated (and stop whining about it, since you chose to read it as is), or uselessly whine about the quality and stop reading.

Yes, I understand that the quality is not good. Every one here is guilty of theft. You didn't purchase the original works, you are reading this for free, illegally (and I am completely prepared for the standard hypocritical backlash I get from writing this each time, go ahead...)

But, ffs, what do any of you expect from whining so much (note, I am not including everyone in this, some comments are constructive, others are simply pointing out the obvious, for no other reason...)? The translator will either ignore you, respond in the exact method they already have, or stop translating (or forbid uploading to here)...
Double-page supporter
Feb 6, 2018
Wow, the salt sure is flowing for such an unremarkable series.

Ya'll need to take a chill pill.
Fed-Kun's army
Feb 5, 2018
@furopoi because not eveyone is complaining only about quality. Read the dedicated comment sections on each chapter and you'll see what i'm talking about. People are indeed being a bit too conceited in their desire for better quality. I've see this far too many times back in Bato.to and now it's beginning to show up here.

As for the guys complaining.

Sure Loli's translations may not be up to par with the standards you desire, but she'll not be magically proficient with Japanese just because your highness so desire.
Either you guys learn to wait for someone else to translate in better quality or you just shut the f. up and stop littering the comment section with useless requests that can't be realistically fulfilled.
Despite the shortcommings I have managed to understand the story so far with no problems in interpretation. I've seen far worse translations and Loli is certainly getting better with her tranlations.(seriously try to look for some of her older releases and you'll see that she's improving).
Fed-Kun's army
Jan 22, 2018
@BloodySorcerer idk man it seems to me like the translator can't defend the quality so she's just cherrypicking and responding to the few comments that seem to not understand the story be it due to poor translation or poor writing, the latter of which isn't even the translator's fault. i've been reading loli's webnovel translations for a long time and the quality never bothered me, but trying to control what people think about the story just seems silly. i wish she'd just ignored it tbh
Dex-chan lover
May 25, 2018
I got picked out and namedropped just because I didn't like how the MC acts just because she knows she has the strongest force on the planet as her ally. Is that so wrong, to have an opinion? This whole situation is just a mess.
May 17, 2018
In regard to the question of what would a person do in a traffic accident like the example given would be shit ton of thing to think before you do something.
1st:if you are first on scene,access the situation before you try to do anything
2nd:if there is already alot of people on scene don't create more trouble like braking immediately cause you wanna help(what it means is to not create more problem to solve a problem), find a safe spot to pull over before anything else/just call the authority let them handle the situation unless instruction was given on how to help the person and no helping unless you are sure but if the accident isn't bad make sure the victim is ok maybe by asking him/her if they need any help and etc.
3rd:bring out your phone and record the situation after you pulled over cause that video might be evidence if any accident to happen later on example a fuel leak leads to uncontrol fire and etc(this seems the most useless but to a certain aspect it does help.(reminder only if there already people helping the victim)
4th:might be more thing to do but cannot say until the situation is on hand to discuss/handle.
5th:eek:ther people might have better way to help the victim maybe its good to listen to that person who let say is an off-duty nurse/doctor and etc.(might help if you ask who the person since they seems like they know what they are doing asking to get a confirmation is never wrong but most of the time people who's doing that will let you know who there are(and yes people can lie)

Lastly don't compare some loli with unique power/gift to be the same as other human, you just being nuts(it like that superman movie where they put superman on trial cause he has power and can do better/log horizon telling adventurer to do it cause they are immortal.

(My first comment on mangadex cause i just had to)

But lets acknowledge it when kaoru did the divine punishment to the priest who wanted profit nobody cares cause the priest deserved it from the POV of the readers cause we know/read the part where he said it.But when the orphan situation happen it leave a bad taste cause all the info we had was they were teach the gods teaching and kaoru giving that analogy doesn't help cause of many reason u can think of but then again if the church is using them to make kaoru feel anything at all that would be the church fault.where the situation with the gatekeeper only show either she is smart or a conniving loli(will not use the b word cause war will start)It also show royalty did a good job of punishing only that gatekeeper xD but still some will disagree.
Jan 24, 2018
It's more and more like some irresponsible brat that have some power and like to mess with people around. This dont feels like some god's messenger but more like rampaging chaos. So its a bit confusing for me, and it's not what i hoped from this manga.
Dex-chan lover
May 25, 2018
Lastly don't compare some loli with unique power/gift to be the same as other human, you just being nuts
Why not? We aren't exactly accusing her of a crime, and she is, in fact, a human herself. Are you saying cheat skill holders are above the law, and should be able to do as they like, and it should be unquestionably smiled upon?

They are fictional characters being compared against other fictional characters. If I want to compare her intimidating people with the Goddess' authority to Draco Malfoy wanting to hide behind his father, I'll do as I please. Being written to have super powers doesn't make you immune to criticism, just like having actual super powers doesn't do it either.
May 17, 2018

Before anything i will apologize if it sounded like i'm implying she's above the law.what i mean is cheat holder/skill have a method that only they have hence the title cheat holder/skill cause atm its seems that you think i support her truth is i don't hate nor do i like her as i pointed out about don't compare her to other human because technically to some people she is better than some we call human.my problem isn't with kaoru but to the first page of the chapter xD
critique her all you want (and no not being sarcastics i'm saying you are entitled to it)

Thank you.
(Again i apologize for not making it clearer)
2nd comment xD
Dex-chan lover
Jun 8, 2018
that chp 11.1 page 9 thing keeps popping up..
i dunno why.. it gets more and more annoying..
i was thinking.. ' was there a really stupid person that thinks that way? to the point that this person(TL) keep spamming this? '
he even put the very thing he was spamming at the first page in recent upload.. wth..
sorry if this is kinda rude.. but seriously wth..
Active member
Jan 18, 2018
I feel the author is getting a little too "smart" for his own good once we hit about the Ch14 mark. The old adage goes that you can't (convincingly) write a character that's smarter than you are. While a lot of what she's done is quite shrewd, the "conference" in the square was a poor literary choice. Her character wants peace, but she just kicked the hornet's nest by causing such a public uproar. IE: The author writes her "smartly" which makes her making such a giant blunder rather unbelievable from a characterization standpoint IMHO.

Some of her recent shenanigans introduce some plotholes as well, also related to her character being so shrewd at the start:
While she enjoys helping people, her primary stated goal was making a good living and peacefully having a family. Stirring up the powers that be or making fantastical potions draws a lot of attention to you. She already knows she can make money based on her wits alone. And beyond that she's figured out how to abuse the powers to make non-potion things to sell. Or hell, she could even sell "cosmetics" like the potion she gave to the maid. Also she rejuvenated Francette, so why doesn't she just make a bust-enhancing potion for herself if she's got a complex about it? :)

I still find it entertaining to read, but yeah, I feel that was a misstep and grimaced at how hackneyed the situation was.
Jul 31, 2018
@KappaNanpa since when Kaoru become a god's messenger? she already asked that issues with Celes and Celes said she didn't care, do what you want. so.. she just did what she wants.
@Aereus gotta admit i'm thinking the same, but i noticed maybe that's the author way to incite conflict? same happened with saving 80k gold coin manga. at first i thought that this manga was isekai slice of life but the author keeps pushing 'artificial' problem. well, still a good read though..
Active member
Jan 18, 2018
@rizal12345 Yeah it kinda goes off the deep end later when she:
Starts blowing peoples heads off by what I presume is "creating nitroglycerin in a container of that guy's head" and "monomolecular-edged sword as container for potion because the vial is in the hilt"
Dex-chan lover
Jan 21, 2018
Sorry, reading your replies to me I realized that my last comment, when I was more than half asleep, was actually really rude.
I recognize that most people have different levels of reading comprehension. Even beyond the simplistic school levels there are various side abilities and experiences that can enhance or be detrimental to reading.

My main issue is, and has always been, people whining about something they not only are getting free but that another person, or group, are putting themselves at risk bringing to us for free (there is the very real threat of jail/prison or fines for illegal distribution of copyright works, and, no, the Manga community does not exist as an exempt group...)
This assertion of rights back and forth (in this case the righ to read quality work, freely and quickly, or w/e) just annoys me to no end when we are quite literally depriving an individual of their right to monetize their works. And, to those who would argue against this point, allow me to repurpose the point a translator made against some random person typesetting and sharing the translation "without permission" (it was on batoto so I cannot do a direct quote...)
"I don't want [them] using my translation without permission because it isn't good enough to do the mangaka justice (yet)... if they upload poor quality typeset pages of my translation (that isn't perfect yet) then that will be the pages that are spread to the aggregator websites as they simply take the first upload, download it and rehost it..."
The idea was that by not asking permission to use the translation, which were found in a Dropbox that had been shared (publicly or the password had been), they were denied the ability to mediate the quality of the translation going into the uploaded pages, and therefore it wasn't "good enough" for the mangaka that wrote it (in their opinion). In the end it was all bull since by the same logic their translation should never have been shared over the internet. Period. By the same logic, by simply uploading a translated version of the manga -ANYWHERE- those who read it will never seak out a higher quality version of it, i.e. the licensed version (if/when it is officially translated). p.s. the upload from the individual who typeset the initial translation was taken down and due to the backlash the comments were locked for the Manga. I had to create a separate thread to post my argument as to why this was a stupid and purely self serving thing to do. You all can probably imagine how well that went over... No matter how rational, logical and well thought out anything I could have said may have been (or... Otherwise... Didn't matter.)

So, the way I see it, we all can either accept the quality the individual chooses (or is able) to give to us, or we can wait for someone else to translate it. Whining about it will gain us nothing, and the more attention that is brought to an unauthorized translation the closer it is to a cease and desist... Which could bring down all of MangaDex since it is operating as legitimately as it can. (I imagine no one wants that. p.s. usually the host gets the notification since finding the individual is too troublesome.)

P.p.s. I REALLY need to stop writing these at or after midnight...
Power Uploader
Jan 18, 2018

I actually remember reading that, and yes, its all good points. That said, I work with at least one translator, I often get inquiries about if other groups can use our translation to release a project (IE Hare Kon) in their own language (say spanish or italian) and his policy is 'its in the wild, its up to them to ensure its at the quality they desire. That said, he's been translating for some 5-8 years and is confident in 90% of the stuff he works on.

That said, I'm starting to think that every translator should put a disclaimer at the top of their document saying 'this is for private use only, please do not typeset or release this otherwise' Now... will they listen? Probably not, but at least those with some sense of decency might abide by it. Maybe knowing the confort level of the TLer would help.

I know I've gotten scripts from TLers who needed far to much in modifications for the final and another TLer ended up doing it AGAIN.

I can understand how tiredness might affect how something is written, and thus how it can be taken. That said, I read and take just about everything with a tonne of salt... LOL

Sometimes a translation, any translation is better than nothing, but it doesn't help when its not proofread properly. Which is the problem here I think.


Its text you need to read... if you want to know more about translators and people who take others' translations for their own purpose.... probably nothing you care about personally.
Group Leader
Jan 18, 2018
Something that is poorly translated only serves to confuse and decrease the value of the work. Loli Mamoritai wouldn't have to put a bunch of notes at the beginning of chapters explaining shit if they just, y'know, actually spoke English.

A translation this bad only makes the manga look even worse than it already is. It spoils chapters and when several things are TL'd incorrectly thanks to the massive amount of direct usage of Google translate, it causes confusion.

If you can't speak the language, don't translate into that language. I'm not about to go translate this from English into Spanish just because I can. I don't know Spanish, that would be stupid of me.

Aggregator gang
Nov 11, 2018
lol the translator got so pissed he's now explaining the context of each page

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