I Shaved. Then I Brought a High School Girl Home. - Vol. 4 Ch. 21

Sep 12, 2018
So you don’t want to cause him trouble so you let a guy who you let had sex with you to the apartment to the only guy who treat you well and let him have sex with you in say apartment?, seriously girl you are not worth it, even the woman who reject him is better now.
Aggregator gang
May 18, 2018
The development is so painfully obvious. Hope the MC is at least different than your usual docile, reserve nature who forgive and forget everything.
Fed-Kun's army
Apr 26, 2020
imagine if he called the cop instead of punching him, or pussied out and the guy just walked out
Active member
Nov 20, 2019
i'm willing to bet nothing major will happen to rapist man. Like get some punches that he deserves or something else. That's how manga/hentai works
Aug 25, 2018
I think I've met the stupidest girl ever in the entire world of manga. She bring a potential rapist into her home alone, Agrees to be raped to not cause problems. In this cause, It's her fault entirely when she knows what type of person he's and still went along with him. No way in hell I would be alone with a creepy guy like him.
Sep 19, 2019
Man what happened to the coworker girl, at this point I hate his superior and the main girl is getting increasingly dumber
Dex-chan lover
Feb 11, 2020
I hope the rape apologists don't raid the comments again, lost my faith in humanity last time around when they came around to excuse this piece of human garbage from his rape and sociopathic tendencies
Feb 16, 2019
Well, she deserved it...
I hope mc dating his kouhai rather than this used goods...
Mar 8, 2019
Read the last chapter again before saying "well it's her fault, dumb bitch", the dude left her just one option and manipulated the situation, it's literally explain why she let things get to this point
What the fuck dudes
Double-page supporter
Jan 22, 2018
Anyone got some LN spoilers? does this douchebag come back again?
Dex-chan lover
Sep 1, 2019
I hope this event leads to him getting the help he needs. The way it was setup, I think he's more oblivious to his own wrongdoings than he is actively malicious, and I think he just doesn't understand that what he's doing is wrong. Hopefully, the intervention will lead to the authorities setting up some proper means of treating him.

Part of what makes me assume that he doesn't know that what he's doing here is wrong is that he clearly does show concern before about if she is in a good situation, and only after he knows she's not in trouble does she make a move. Granted, he's still a piece of shit for what he did, but I don't think he's as irredeemable as he is fundamentally impaired cognitively and socially, and so trying to get him to understand and working through why what he's done is wrong I think will reach him, because I think he has the capacity to be reformed. This is not to excuse his actions, but to understand that I think the author is intentionally trying to make a character who is not morally black-and-white, but one who is much more complex and dealing with his own mental struggles and issues related to his Anti-Social tendencies, as well as establishing that, though he does bad things, he does not do them knowing that what he is doing is wrong, and so he should seek psychological treatment, especially as he has expressed some desire to reform when we first got his backstory.

@tsuyukihime I don't really remember any rape apologists last thread? Are you referring to the people defending him and so it's kinda an "after-the-fact" assessment of the situation?
Fed-Kun's army
Jun 21, 2018
So I glanced ahead at some LN synopsis type stuff but
apparently, guy gets of scott free(ish) but does what everyone else does and reminds Yoshida that their relationship, while not sexual, is still inappropriate (load of BS coming from him). The next plot line is two-fold. 1. Sayu decides to confront her past and try going home, and Yoshida's lover from high school happens to join his workforce. On top of all of that, Sayu's brother shows up (and if it wasn't already obvious, Sayu comes from money). Past that, I'm clueless.
I MTL'd most of the stuff so take it with a grain of salt. Additionally, it's light on details as well cause I couldn't find actual story raws, just synopsis raws.

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