I Sold My Life for 10,000 Yen per Year.

Fed-Kun's army
May 22, 2020
first manga i read in mangadex after a long break of me not reading any mangas, did not regret it at all. 11/10 forever recommend
Sep 13, 2020
I genuinely regret having read this manga.
It's extremely well made to the point of being depressing.
0/10 wouldn't have a breakdown in the middle of the night again
Dex-chan lover
Oct 10, 2019
Is this better read as a novel or a manga? I downloaded the novel long ago and forgot to read it.
Apr 10, 2020
I do have to say the last page of chapter 16.5 does potentially create some plot holes so if you were going to recommend someone this manga don’t give them ch16.5
Aug 19, 2020
Beautiful manga. Wonderful read. Short and sweet. This has quickly become one of my favorite works ever. Thank you for the profound insights, complex characters, and meaningful reflections. I will hold this dear for years to come.
Dex-chan lover
Sep 27, 2020
10/10 story! It was absolutely amazing! Glad I read it although perhaps I shouldn’t be reading this at 1:41 am
Dec 12, 2020
How old was the girl supposed to be anyway? IDR if the writer ever actually made it explicit how old she was or not.
Mar 19, 2019
its unique and pretty good romance. but the initial storyline angle is bait, i rather see more of that then what actually happens. its like, thats it?
Jul 12, 2018
I just read 5 chapters, was really captivated a d wanted to write down some of my thoughts before I go to sleep. I strongly disagree with the main character's view of himself and the world, but it reminds me a lot of a depressed person I knew. It feels like the author must have experienced depression himself or saw it in someone they are close with. I'm sure this is more powerful to someone who had similar mental health issues but even if on do not, it's still an interesting reading experience. As for the premises, part of me wants to analyze the mechanic but soon realized that's meaningless. A supernatural mechanic is not something to be taken apart using conventional logic. It is quite interesting to think about the implications. It raises many questions, for which I have my answers and it's interesting to see another side

Edit: I ended up staying up all night reading this to the end. This might be one of my favourite manga now.
Dex-chan lover
Sep 14, 2020
It seems most of the people here read this manga after mid night I did the same shit and I can't fckking sleep cause I am thinking what I was gonna do if I were in this circumstance , cause think about it the fmc sold her life too, so like if mc were to take 1 month and 3 days instead of selling a month they would have a month and three days to be together like thats kinda sad to me. Also the fmc age is literally the last thing I thought about after reading this some people are talking about it in the comments for some reason. Some questions in this manga are really profound to me but this irl will never happen people's life is like a ballon , if it falls on grass it has a chance to pop but if there is something keeping it in the air then it stays until that force is no longer there . That's what I thought about after reading this but why that thought came to me I don't really know I am now at 4 am thinking about these things and they are just some random thoughts after reading this . At core, this comment is just a rant.
Dec 15, 2020
This is a really good manga, I investigated the original novel a bit and the thing that stuck out to me was the author's afterward. They really wanted to convey the emotion that the main character was feeling, namely the bittersweet notion that those who want to die find themselves enjoying life only just before death and the profundity of that. I'm not one to usually write this pretentiously but I enjoy good writing and I can say that this definitely hit the mark that the author was going for. I actually wanted to personally commend the author but I couldn't find a publisher since it seems that it was posted online and therefore I obviously couldn't contact them. So I thought I'd do my damnedest to express my thoughts here. I thought it was amazing.

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