I Stack Experience Through Reading Books - Ch. 95

Active member
Apr 22, 2020
... I'm not sure if they are breaking up for good, but the reason why she got popular was because he literally carried her the whole way... Without his help, would she be able to maintain the fame anyways??
Double-page supporter
Jan 22, 2018
I never liked this red hair girl. Bring back one of the noonas from the start!
Apr 30, 2020
@pingustrategist that's a good point I can see her later asking mc to help her or something like that even if she does not want to do it or something similar but I don't think that she will completely fail as a star.
Maybe the other action actress will try to get near him 🤔
Or the story will just skip this part 🤷🏽‍♂️

@jirarudo03 good question if you know this pls direct message me, I would help.
Aggregator gang
Dec 24, 2019
Those are exactly the type of break ups that the person who was playing the leaving part, will regret that decision after years/decades, when they finally learn to appreciate the things (and people) that truly matter.. Like in this case, if Sumi were eventually blessed with a normal, working brains, she would realize some day, that she should put her own personal feelings first, no matter what the public-/fans opinion is..

If her manager would've really cared for her, she would've advised to do what feels right, since if she really has the talent for acting, she'll be successful regardless.. Now there would be a risk for her to grow resentful towards the manager (and the acting it self), for pressuring her to leave MC...

Anyhow I didn't really even like this ship, since it was really rushed and felt out of place.

ALSO, thanks for the chapter(s) and for the translation(s) 👍
Aug 21, 2020
@pingustrategist +1
To break up that easily... If she was really in love with him she wouldn't have broke up, she would have tried to keep both her career and her relashionship. She would have decided to officialise her relationship and see what happens. But because her fans are mostly young men she shouldn't have a relationship ? Most of her fans will always be young men, is she supposed to stay single her whole career ?
She's going to regret her decision, she will probably next get in a relashionship with some famous actor or producer that will cheat on her with a hot actress/model/singer, but there will be no going back, by the time, seeing how popular he is, MC will probably be with someone else.
To think that MC wasted 2 years and a possible relationship with noona for this ungrateful girl... She had the best boyfriend ever. He is nice, doesn't cheat on her, is good looking, has many awesome skills... She will never find better than that. Many people spend all their life trying to find a relationship like that without finding it. And she threw that away for an actress career that can disappear at any moment.
Jan 30, 2019
@Kal57, its same culture of the egirl, they want to keep the delusion they are the ones in the relationship with her. I can give you alot of case examples ranging from the simple ones to the extreme and toxic.
Fed-Kun's army
Oct 13, 2019
Really like his friend, told the facts. She was just a bitch. Whole time even since they started dating I felt like she was acting, great actress with the fake crying.

Even more shocked by the outright confirmation of them breaking up. Should of denied ever dating saying they're just friends IF they were really breaking up, and only said publicly 'they broke up' if they were still going to date. After all in the future if they're caught, could just say 'back together blah blah'

Side note. It's been years, I thought he cured grandma brain how else she alive?
Dex-chan lover
Dec 2, 2018
I never really liked Sumi. Although it doesn’t help that the author never made her feel special in our eyes outside of the suspension bridge effect situation they had when they met. In fact, I’d say the author goes out of their way to make Sumi look bad on multiple occasions, like when she suspected him of cheating and even at the breakup suggesting “she discarded him when she made it big”. It’s technically true, but he was just supporting her in pursuing her career. What’s horrible is the people around them and the business that put her in that situation. I don’t blame Sumi for her decision, even if I think at the very least she should consider that this man is one hell of a guy and she probably won’t ever meet someone like him again. Anyways, I’m quite okay with them breaking up and I think the cooking noona from earlier is way better and I hope maybe they end up together.

But honestly, in a series like this which is just ass blasted with convenience and cliche tropes to make MC look good, does he even deserve a good girl? Plus, the end with sumi felt rather anti-climactic and the characters still feel very 2-dimensional. can’t expect much from it I guess but at the bare minimum it is still an enjoyable guilty pleasure read.
Apr 6, 2018
I disagree with all the people calling Sumi trash. This career is her livelihood! Is she going to throw it all away for a relationship that may or may not workout?

What I do say is TRASH is Korean/Asian celebrity culture that celebs need to be pure. No dating, perfect little virgins, unspoiled, etc. It’s fucking disgusting! Anyone who seeks to fill their disgusting minds with thoughts that the people they watch must be pure so as not to spoil the “dream” of getting with them can honestly go fuck themselves.
Nov 18, 2019
And author cut off another girl... In the end I think it's either the nice ordinary home girl type, or super capable super background type. But I hope it's not the action actress. For now I like the restaurant noona the most.
Apr 25, 2020
restaurant noona was always the best girl. Was sad when they brought in sumi into the picture.
Active member
Jun 8, 2018
so many long comments who dont kno how krn entertainment industry works (psst....they all fuck/do drugs/party hard....they're not innocent at all)

sorry to burst your bubble

anyway, looking forward to the new girl.
Jun 29, 2018
Sumi just apeared out of nowere and then started dating the mc, now i'm just glad that they broke up
Dex-chan lover
Jan 18, 2018
The ultimate culprit for their break-up?
Porn belly.
Double-page supporter
Apr 20, 2020
@onepunchman Every entertainment industry is like that. Even for the biggest stars, you can be sure they had to bed a few company executives in order to get big roles early on in their careers.

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