I Stole the Male Lead's First Night - Vol. 1 Ch. 17

Active member
Sep 5, 2019
I can’t fully sympathize with her. She’s an adult at this point, and should have known what she did might not be totally innocent. And based on what they showed...she didnt even say one damn sorry.

Def, the main fault lies with the guy tho.
Active member
Nov 26, 2019
Oh man.... She's gone through shit. As someone accused of the same stuff in the past, I fully sympathize and avoid guys altogether these days.
Sep 22, 2020
I kinda wished she tried to cut her hair short, work out and wear trousers before doing the whole "guess I'll die" scheme.

I just wanna see how the duke would take it if she went against the conventional feminine standard.

Even if it fails, she can push women's rights, I guess.
Sep 14, 2019
Now I understand why she's kinda excessively trying to keep the duke away from her..
But they're two different people from two different world. also her friend is a trash, I mean she just confronted her one sidedly without listening to her reason first, even when her ex already explained that she's not in the wrong in this matter. What a b*tch
Sep 14, 2019
Ugh did it have to end on that note....Thanks for the hard work. But please can we have some more. Thanks in advance.
Jul 5, 2020
Cliffhangers are the death of me!! 😱
The Duke seems sincere I hope she can overcome her past and accept the Duke.
Ack ack! Now we have to suffer the wait for the next chapter.
Apr 16, 2019
@kylie_aliah she got weights from him and met him at a public park. I don't see how she's in the wrong. She also rejected the guy when he asked her. If she went to his house or whatever that's one thing but she didn't. And how was she supposed to know that his girlfriend didn't know they were talking together. One would think he got her number from the girlfriend because she gave it to him! It's not her job to keep him in line. This is completely his fault. No one else's!

He should have broken up with the girlfriend before talking to anyone else!
May 7, 2020
@Darkmint13 She met with another man's bf at a public park,cafe and a library and the gf was nowhere to be seen.

It wasn't her intention to steal him away. But still she must've been retarded if she thought that the guy ( who is the real piece of shit here) would've told his gf that he was gonna hang out with another girl. Also he has a gf and he still texted her out of nowhere. If these things didn't make the FL suspicious, she must've been really stupid.
And how was she supposed to know that his girlfriend didn't know they were talking together. One would think he got her number from the girlfriend because she gave it to him! It's not her job to keep him in line

Fine, but what about meeting up together. She seriously couldn't have expected her friend to allow the two of them to meet up without her right? Also, why would a girl just give her bf another girl's number. Even if he was the one who had asked for it, that would've made her suspicious right then

She is an adult right? Isn't she supposed to know how this would look like to others.

Now look at it from the friend's POV. She found that her bf had been texting her friend and hanging out with her and neither the FL nor her bf had told her about it. Any normal person would've thought that they were cheating on her and FL decided to break up later by refusing him.

The guy is to blame here, but the FL's stupidity is to blame too. If you had been an ordinary witness and not known how the FL lacks common sense or her side of the story, you would've also only seen them exchanging texts and hanging out without telling the FL's friend.

She should've refused acting close to him right from the start. So she isn't really at fault but she's not completely innocent either
Apr 16, 2019
@CosmicCat1543 ok hold up I can understand most of where you're coming from but I'm pretty sure she didn't meet him at the library, he found her. That's different. Then they went outside to talk cause it's a library AND she immediately shut him down.

They agreed to meet and talked ONCE without the girlfriend. That's it. And it was over weights. This is not her fault.

Yeah from the friends POV it looks suspicious but that's why you hear it from your friend what happened and decide from there. And if you look at the ONE text conversation they had, it's over the gosh darn weights.

Sorry if I riled you up. Everyone has lines they don't cross or feel uncomfortable with and I assume these are yours. Either way, I hope Thanksgiving (today if you don't celebrate) is going well for you. :)
Oct 23, 2020
Can we talk about the “If you consider yourself a villainess, then I shall be your villain” line. I mean- SWOON.

This is so heartbreaking... her past trauma is stopping her from accepting his love and he really does love her.
May 5, 2020
Alright, the real jerk is THE BOYFRIEND. He approach other girl when he HASN'T BROKEN UP with his girlfriend.

And the FL don't have any cautious feeling at all, I mean if I'm in her position at least I try to distant myself with no texting lol. But she's innocent tho, since i understand that there's nothing wrong with accepting someone offering to help you (in this situation is about the weight) whether it's friends' bf, female friend or anyone. But the problem arise when she is starting to lunch together. (Even only once btw)
I think, she should take the weight and just go.

The friends also innocent of course. Well, she must has a heartbroken too. She lose her friend and boyfriend at the same time. Those kind betrayal is really hurt too. So I can understand why she didn't even want to be friends with the fl. But at least, she should fix her habit when giving others an advice. Her used-to-be-friend is broke enough but she only doing it to fl while the most fault one in this situation is HER BOYFRIEND.
But well, how she supposed to know about the truth when the fl only silent. The only information she got is really limited.

Fyi, I have been in both situation where I'm being cheat on and where I was a third wheel without even me knowing I was one. So the conclusion is, don't be ignorant if friends' bf approaching, don't only blame one party if an affair is discover usually people just blame the girl, and don't be jerk (solve the previous relationship first before approaching other girl lol)

It's nice story btw~
May 7, 2020
@Darkmint13 I can see where you're coming from, but people tend to be irrational when they've found they're being cheated on. I'm not riled up or anything. Just wanted to present the friend's POV when everyone is hating on her. She did deserve some of that for bullying the fl though.
And thanks for being nice about this. Hope your Thanksgiving went well too
Dex-chan lover
Jun 10, 2020
Altho this happens to innocent people irl too this happened partially because she wasn't careful. Unfortunately she should've known better than to have gone out like that without making sure it was chill. Doesn't excuse what happened to her but I would never ever even give the slightest chance to be set up like that lol
So glad she has the Duke now! She was given her man, altho this time he's a lil yandere lol
Active member
Sep 5, 2019
@darkmint13 This is a late reply but it seems you're defending her from all fault. All I'm going to say on this subject is although the guy is the one who has the most fault in this situation, she's old enough to understand boundaries, and to know when a situation can lead to misinterpretation. Did we see her apologize right after?
Mar 7, 2019
Thanks For Your Hard Work!!! ♡♡♡ Can't Wait For More!!!! ♡♡♡ And Stay Safe!!!!

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