I Stole the Male Lead's First Night - Vol. 1 Ch. 33

Aug 10, 2020
@marchessa this 100%. Who thinks “I’m gonna start a business in 5 days or fewer?” Not to mention SHE proposed to him this time. And it’s not like he’s not also busy with the businesses he runs too.
May 2, 2019
Just one thing, if she could have avoided not starting her business just before her marriage she should have done so. But I guess she wouldn't be ripley if she was not impulsive
@marchessa I guess you're not reading my whole comment
Feb 16, 2018
@Yanchi that's nice and cute and all, but female empowerment has never been a theme of this story. It's not her dream to be an entrepreneur, she wasn't planning this already and love got in the way. There doesn't even seem to be a prejudice against females getting involved in business, because Etoile is openly helping her dad. This whole idea of, I have to have my own money, is stupid, especially since she'll probably have a dowry.

It just feels like the author is retreading old ground, even the duke thought she was trying to escape the wedding by pretending to be busy. This could've been an excellent time to show how far she's grown as a character, from always worrying about other people's opinions and wallowing in feelings of guilt and inadequacy, to fully throwing herself into her own happily ever after. Instead we got this nonsense.
Mar 31, 2019

Your comment is short. What makes you say that? Because I disagreed with your first paragraph? You admit she's impulsive, but we're still the impatient ones huh and I'm just pointing out the flaw in your analogy

Let readers rant about her stupidity, they have a right 🤣 no need to defend her lol
Nov 2, 2020
@marchessa you really didn't read the manhwa lol
She wants to have money and be financial independent (at least partially) before becoming his wife.
Read carefully before tagging me.
Mar 31, 2019
Oh wow so scarily hostile. If she said that in an earlier chapter then I may have forgotten about it. But if it's in a more recent chap, then when did she say that exactly? Especially the 'before becoming his wife' bit.

And even if what you say is true. Her intention is great but at what cost tho? Her wedding going haywire? Her health deteriorating? She didn't even discuss it with zeronis first. It was more of an impulse or a light bulb moment for her.
Aggregator gang
Apr 11, 2020
It seems like the author wrote Ripley to have commitment issues...dunno whether that's on purpose or nah. Like I think she proposed because the moment called for it and she want to tell everyone Zeronis was her's. Maybe I'm reading into it too much.

She keeps going from one to another at the expense at her health, wedding and even relationship if she's not careful.

Thank you for the translation!
Mar 23, 2020
@Lo0py I hadn't thought about that before, but yeah, maybe she does have trouble committing? Or at least, she has no idea how to be in a relationship and is just being an all-around disaster so the plot (and the audience) can make fun of her. ^^;; The only thing that's certain so far is that she's really impulsive (conveniently so for plot purposes); her inability to focus seems to be very ADHD-like, and I guess the only thing that can mitigate it is if she can just listen to the people around her who are better at organizing stuff and being responsible in general. (Fwiw Zeronis is good at this, and I think he'd at least be able to rein her in if she lets him.) Unfortunately that probably won't happen because this story is all about her being a scatterbrained mess. :(

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