@digitalromance77 Only the ones that knew Violette in the first timeline though, as the Prince got even more harassed and Maryjun was bullied and had someone try to kill her.
In this timeline though, spoiler alert, her life was much much better than Violette's, her mother really screwed her over and it's clear she had and still has mental issues from her childhood and some of her own, recent chapters have her admitting she doesn't know how to love and does not want to love anyone because of her mother and that the one time she thought she loved someone, the Prince, she started acting like her mother and only annoyed and terrified the guy until she hated her.
Yulan also didn't have a life as good as the Prince, to the point the Prince is implied to pity him many times annoying Yulan.
Now, does Vio's past justify attempted murder...nope, not really, good thing this is a REDEMPTION story and she is learning and changing in her second life, and even now you see Maryjun getting things Violette wants but can't have like the love and respect of her dad who ran away leaving her with an abusive mother and clearly never bothered to try saving her or talking to her even after he came back except to berate her and talk about how perfect Maryjun is.
She was bad, but sometimes bad people did have bad pasts and their mental strength wasn't the best, you even see this in real life, not all murderers had ordinary lifes and they just snapped...it's still their job to really turn their lifes around in jail or whatever when the chance is given to redeem themselves, and seeing as Violette isn't bullying or murdering anyone, nor trying to screw anyone, even her father, i am willing to give her a pass so far.