Relate with the MC, currently have a yandere girl
Stay committed and it's the best.Relate with the MC, currently have a yandere girl(please help me) <3
Damn, heroine personality similar to my crazy girl. My new favorite manga
if you cheat?I am not sure if Psycho is worse than Yandere. Aren't all yandere kinda psycho already since they want to kill you if you cheat and kill themself after that, kill the one person who look like is trying to take you from them and know literally every single small thing about you.
yeah thats my bad... should be mostly back to normal though, still need to catch up to current but all is wellWeeks of no new english chapters. This is ridiculous at this point.
id recommend against asking here (i rarely check forums) but in our discord server, we have all of the chapter's progress completely transparent@Sisig Did you guys drop this manga? Just asking since there's a tendency for scanlators to avoid picking up a manga if it's not certain whether or not it's been abandoned by whoever used to translate it.