I want to know more about "On Hold" and "Dropped" status use

Dex-chan lover
Sep 16, 2018
When I think about it, aren't the "On Hold" and "Dropped" status essentially have the same function?
Which is to:
"make a title with those statuses retains the eye tracking it had and making it not appear on your follows tab when you're at MD home page"

I'll say, wouldn't it be better that to "Unfollow" a title if you just don't want to see it in your "follows" tab?
And so, I'm curious if those statuses perhaps have another function that I failed to see that makes them.. different?
Dec 26, 2018
@ABCsOfLife I don't know if this really answers your question or helps you in any way, but using the "On Hold" feature retains your read chapters while moving the series off your follows list, as you stated. This is good for taking a break from a series that you DO intend to finish, but something else takes priority for one reason or another, that way you don't have to read from the very beginning again when you move it back into your Reading list--I did this with the series Yuu & Mii because I was kind of...over the random, "things just happen" nature of the series, but I also made it as far in as I did, so I intend to finish it someday simply by virtue of much time I've already invested in it.

"Dropped", on the other hand, removes all eye marks, and removes the series from your reading list and MD home page The use-case for this feature is to prevent yourself from reading a series you've confirmed you have no interest in, but forgot about over time, as the dropped marker will be visible on the work's page. I did this with Boys on the Run because, while I do enjoy a good, soul-crushing series from time to time (Hello, Oyasumi Punpun), Boys on the Run was just an exercise in misery for me from start to finish--I even went so far as to jump ahead to the ending, just to see if there's any sign of the series becoming more palatable for me. Jump ahead in time, and I basically forgot about Boys on the Run, but someone mentioned it. I looked it up, saw the "dropped" tag, and remembered exactly why I ditched the series, without having to read through it again.

Hopefully that helps illustrate the potential for these two statuses--I included personal examples just to demonstrate it, but it may not still seem useful regardless. Either way, happy reading!
Dex-chan lover
Sep 16, 2018
@Sleeper Ah yes, that's.. probably how one would use it in general, thanks for pointing that out.

But, what I was try to point out previously is about the function being the same.
As I also have previously mentioned, the "On Hold" and "Dropped" as I see is just making it not appear on your follows tab when you're at this screen (which is MD homepage

Also I want to point this one out so it can clear what I'm trying to say (I guess...)
I have now dropped some random title I was reading.

As you can see in the picture above, the title I put on "Dropped" still retains the eye tracking (which I forgot to draw circle on, my bad).
This looks rather the same for me as if when you're putting it "On Hold"
That's why I said it essentially got the same function
Dec 26, 2018
@ABCsOfLife Huh, that is odd. I wonder if that was a change, or if I just never noticed. I recall the whole point of the "dropped" status removing the eye marks. You've got a point there; if it retains them, then the function doesn't really have a difference beyond being a more granular way of sorting the different manga you've read on here. That's...fascinating, yet a bit redundant.
Dex-chan lover
Jan 18, 2018
It sorts them in the Follows/manga tag. If I'm looking through my on hold manga I don't want to be seeing the mangas I definitively dropped. there does appear to be plans later to filter out Dropped manga like filtered tags are.

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