@ElfWastaken Centaurs probably aren't really hybrids in the same sense used here. I feel like it's a pretty imperfect term for them and some of the other mythical beings like them no matter which versions of them I think of. But more to the point, when you've got all these various fantasy setting races and they're all intelligent enough if not more so than our stock standard humans from reality... we're pretty much gonna make most of them "racist" as it were.
It's the frame of reference we know. Minor differences in humans caused all kinds of shit to be said and done by all kinds of people. Having actual entire different species with notable differences living in the same world(s) and interacting with each other is just taking things to the next level a lot of the time. There's gonna be a lot of supremacists, a lot of prejudices, and a lot of dickishness directed at people with mixed blood in particular, presumably from all sides really.