I Woke up as the Ugly Duckling - Ch. 3

Active member
Jul 16, 2019
oh yeah, i don't disagree at all! it's just that i'm so tired of seeing how MCs can't be pretty without also being fit/skinny. like, i doubt the series could have ever just have had the MC become nice/a good person without also making her skinny. i lowkey get why but it just makes me upset. sorry about my thoughts coming out wrong LOL
Active member
Sep 9, 2020
@ishnia seriously? set in a historical background where a women is considered a trophy and property being fat is like carrying around dead weight for a father because no one will marry an ugly girl. it has nothing to do with body shaming but everything to do with the time they're set in.
Jun 12, 2019
Yeah, because that's a weird method to loss your weight...the author imbued a magic fantasy story to reduce it

Active member
Mar 7, 2019
lmao it’s still body shaming, fellow poster

this time period doesn’t exist outside fiction

also lmao at the fat melting off. they should’ve leaned into that and made it horror
Dex-chan lover
Jan 26, 2018
That is such inorganic thinking. Why care about what was being done to the other when it doesn't affects you.

Also there is magic in this world, time to give up everything else and dive with all your energies in learning magic.
Anything else is secondary.

That was weird but on the bright side you can eat all you want and never worry about being fat!
Jan 26, 2018
That was even worse than the usual diet montage 🤢 also almost everyone else is significantly uglier than her
Active member
Jul 16, 2019
@Gleidhidh ah, please don't misunderstand! i'm not saying the story is wrong per se, just that i'm not a huge fan of seeing fat being equated with being ugly.

historically, while being fat was probably still looked down upon, being "plump" implied that you were rich enough to eat well/not have to do manual labor (here's an article about body aesthetics in victorian-era england in the NY times: https://www.nytimes.com/1977/10/23/archives/when-fat-was-in-fashion-abundant-flesh-was-a-thing-of-beauty-to.html of course, i'm no expert on the topic so i may be wrong!)
+ another one about more general trends of fitness: https://www.sermo.com/history-obesity-renaissance-1910/ (quote: Worldwide, socially dominant groups (the rulers and the prosperous) with better access to resources, such as food and the new smallpox vaccine were believed to have better nutrition and health. The new upper – middle class of physicians, lawyers, bankers and others who did not work the fields or houses were also of status. They were considered important and attractive if they had excess fat – what we call obesity.)

and on that topic, i 100% agree with the women being a trophy part of your comment—no matter what body standard is seen to be "beautiful," it's likely due to the male gaze LOL

anyway, sorry that my offhand comment offended you, i didn't mean for that to happen ;;

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