Well. I read it a few weeks ago and I figure I ought to give an objective rundown of this manga. Going off of what I remember most vividly.
Fucking hell. It's kooky.
There's a strong desire in the first third of the series to try and understand what exactly all these characters are supposed to do. Why they interact the way they do. In a world dripping with potential that got hamstrung by what appeared to be some rushed deadlines and only general ideas on how to develop the power scaling or something.
In the middle of the story, it's a fuckton of running around aimlessly into similar individuals with powers that amount to essentially padding out the cast with some unlikely allies.
Kuro's characterization and trauma is a big redeeming quality throughout the story. I liked how his powers manifested from some
supremely edgy events that turned downright convoluted in the last third of the story. His development is nothing that hasn't been done before. And it's a character arc you can telegraph the punches of from the first issue.
The only points that help to contextualize the ending of the series without spoiling anything are as follows.
-Aka was being rushed to end a story he always had developing since before being a mangaka.
-His afterword lends people to believe he wants to come back to his magnum opus at a time when he can properly flesh out his setting and characters.
When that day comes, I hope to give his series another college try. But in short, we got an edgy and hamfisted plot/setting with an ending that subverts expectations in a way to leave the reader disappointed.
6 out of 10 overall