This is a classic, and the craftsmanship is good . . . but it's actually a pretty annoying story. Well, I don't like harems, to start with. But it didn't start off as a harem, it started off as a fairly sweet romance, and then started mixing in the usual crap--more girls, more tsundere stuff by the male lead so he could cause misunderstandings which gave shallow excuses for more plot twists. Not as annoying as Seo Kouji, but headed in that direction. Frankly I think it's a "classic" less because it's particularly awesome than because it came out at the right time and place for something like it to succeed. I suspect it would get lost in the shuffle if it were released today. I actually like "Anedoki" by the same mangaka much better because it brings the same skills but doesn't fuddle-duddle around as much.