Some wrong translations here and there
Pg. 1 Panel 1 - Mika-tan as an idol is different from Mika-tan as my neighbor.
Pg. 1 Panel 3 - Is it ok if I come back now?
Pg. 1 Panel 4 - "I'll be going to the convenience store" (implying that she's telling it to someone else inside her room.)
Pg. 2 Panel 2 - She's cute but I didn't really want to see her right now.
Pg. 3 Panel 1 - Like, my voice or something...
Pg. 3 Panel 2 - No, I was out for a walk
Pg. 3 Panel 3 - Ah, is that so? That's a relief.
Pg. 3 Panel 4 - Well then, I'm off!
Pg. 4 - So how does it feel meeting me right after I had sex? Well, Masaki-kun?