IDOL×IDOL STORY! - Ch. 29 - Middle & High School Graduation Ceremonies

Mar 20, 2020
OMG my sides 🤣 looking at the credits page.

We get to take a break this chapter and see 3 graduations:

1) Karin - rivalry between her and Michiru
2) Hibana - that embarrassment of getting your idol activities shared to the entire student body.
3) Anon - having a little private moment with her passed away mom.
Dex-chan lover
Jun 1, 2019
So Michiru and Karin goes way back huh... anw, it's kinda scary how the tabloid guy already had a hunch about Michiru and the Director... I wonder how Karin will feel if she find out the fact that her mother is involved with this?

Also I need someone to correct Anon...

thank you for the mass update, it's been an amazing holiday thanks to you guys!
Dex-chan lover
Aug 13, 2018
The story just keeps heating up even in a low-tempo chapter like this. Love Hibana’s family.

Edit: also noticed in the relationship chart there’s a new arrow between Yuuri and Mimi that wasn’t translated, is that “hates” or something like that?

By the way, why is there a second TL group trying to catch up? Is this just an attempt at a snipe…?
Dex-chan lover
Aug 9, 2020
Oh no Karin don't contact that man, Hope she is not eliminated from being too involved in this whole fiasco and ends up breaking the NDA.


Dex-chan lover
Jun 25, 2018
Is Tokutaro allowed to use the kirara name if the manga isn't published there?
Dex-chan lover
Jan 22, 2018
So neat to see Tsumugi now too with "Known for her high level singing skills" tag as well, hard work definitely paid off. Mimisuke's attitude to improve and get the spot for the song is so like her, and it's actually great practice for the presentation as well if you think about it, specially considering they'll be facing off against the prodigy singers, they may be able to get an edge against them like this (since the black stars are practicing one after the other and not face to face like in the competition). I got a bit surprised in seeing Anon's mother had passed away, has this been mentioned before or hinted at? No wonder she acts a bit reserved but still self-centered and strong, she must feel very lonely.

Pretty sure that tabloid guy was actually sent (probb indirectly with some anonymous leak) by Tsubasa the producer. Likely to tarnish the reputation and put pressure at director Kokonoe. Since the company deciding beforehand who they want to debut isn't against any particular law, there being no proofs, and with him not caring about the ethical implications of such a decision, this very likely a power play by him to get what he wants. Too soon to say anything like this though, I may end up eating my words.

Anyway great chapters! Thank you very much for the batch release again, FlameSubsScans, really appreciate the dedication and great work.
Dex-chan lover
Feb 12, 2018
By the way, why is there a second TL group trying to catch up? Is this just an attempt at a snipe…?
Never Again Scan is the first to translate this manga. It's just FlameSubsScans is quicker in their translation. But I think it's good to have two different interpretations of the dialogues, so we can get better grasp of the story.
Active member
Feb 24, 2024
holy gah dayum coming from someone who mostly watches battle shounen I haven't seen this much drama for a while...
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