If you were to get reincarnated in a game, which game is the one you'd never want to reincarnate in?

Double-page supporter
Jan 20, 2018
Literally any game. 100% of game worlds are not thought enough if not say illogical (read retarded).
Dex-chan lover
Sep 10, 2018
Stardew Valley.

Not because there's like dangerous monsters existing in the mines or the weird people living in it.

It's because you cannot die in Stardew Valley. You can "die" if you go to the mines fighting mobs or overworking. But you get "revive" in a clinic or somewhere with less energy and health. But you cannot DIE as in game over, you have to restart all over again kind of thing or quit.

After playing the game more than five in-game years, it feels like nothing changes. Like characters don't age or die. Like Jas, Vincent, and Leo would never grow up and become adults. Old people like Evelyn and George would never die. Heck, even Bachelors and Bachelorettes in the game don't ever getting married with one another and have kids. They would just continue on with their lives like Abigail, Sam, and Sebastian would still continue play games with each other. If your character married with one of them and have 2 kids, your kids would grow every two weeks until they can walk but that's about it. They would never grow up to become adults.

That's pretty fucked up. Sure your character also can't die. But what else is there to do in Stardew Valley. Sure you can get rich and buy and unlock all the achievements that the game can offer. But, after that, what else is there to do? Life becomes way too boring and you can't really travel outside of the valley. You can try going to the deepest levels of Skull Cavern, but you are way to powerful that even going to the dungeon becomes boring. It starts to affect your mental health. At that point, you would be begging someone/anyone to end your life because it is so goddamn boring.

I look at a thumbnail on a YT video and it said "Utopia is Dystopia". Many people in our world tried to create an equivalent of heaven/utopia where no one would suffer and everyone can enjoy their life there. Unfortunately, it made even more people suffer and it only creates a divide between those who rule that gets to enjoy it and those who are late and are suffering from it. At least, those people can die. But in Stardew Valley, no one can.
Dex-chan lover
Mar 6, 2019
I'd not want to be reincarnated into any either, unless you consider Visual Novels with no gameplay a game. In that case, the only acceptable one would be Sono Hanabira ni Kuchizuke o.
Dex-chan lover
Mar 5, 2019
ok but. sex mods.
do you really think you'd have the power to mod the game world after becoming one of it's denizens? Even then, of all the mods to promote, the one thing that'd become fairly easier to do once a fictional setting becomes reality - having sex - is the first thing you cheer for?

Anyway, I'd hate to reincarnate into Temple Run. I'm not confident in my cardio.

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