Problem is even after death she will make people lives rather troublesome, she isn't that dumb as mc predicted and the sensitive information will be leaked.As much as i love midou as the protagonist of this manga i have to say that at a certain point the guy needs to realize that he needs to cut his losses and just end her. Yes two peoples lives will be ruined, but if Midou is dead no one else can be hurt by her. With a good enough lawyer he might even be able to get away with her murder and try to live a normal life somewhere far away. His best solution is to grow some spine and end her like he's always saying he wants to do. There is no saving the people she has leverage over, theres too many ways she could have back up plans to ruin them if he betrays her, so just end it sooner rather than later to minimize the damage she causes.
You forgot plenty of celebrities either don't give a fuck about their "leaked" lewds or went completely into the shadows because they were constantly harassed by some fans demanding more years after they removed themselves from the spotlight.I'm not going to say that this mango is the only one that does this, but, yeah so the images get circulated, then wtf happens? It gets taken down and soon enough, nobody could give half an ass what happens. It's pretty much akin to a celebrity's nudes being leaked. In the end, it won't be have a life in mainstream. If people save the pic, well they're quick and probably perverted, but like I said, this is probably similar to a celebrity leak, soon enough it'll be forgotten and guess what? Miss killforsex's bargaining chips are gone and mc is free to kill her
Yehhh, bondage yuri festival without consent (?)FINALLY, WHAT I'VE BEEN WAITING FOR. THE SISTER'S TORETURE :D
Now with new evidence, is more easy call the police =/didn't the stupid sister already said the pictures don't matter anymore in a previous chapter? Also even if the images stay forever, people move on with their lives, nobody cares about some leaked nudes. Just look at porn stars, they decided to have children, they will suffer but that's just how it is.