Ijousha no Ai

Apr 16, 2019
@Karmafornication I just want to know the ending too. I don't care if the MC kills her... Just that she dies in general. At this point the MC is probably incredibly insane and might just be the next crazy person looking for a lover.
Dex-chan lover
Mar 24, 2019
looked through the raws and the ending is satisfying, wont say anymore, but yes, it's satisfying. :)
Dex-chan lover
Mar 24, 2019
Ok since I don't really feel like typing my own "ending spoiler" Ima just copy and paste this one,

Be warned, this big spoiler.
To anyone who might have a question regarding what happened throughout the story.
mostly to those who cant read raws.
I'll explain to the best of my abilities.

Basically, He finally defeated midou.
The girl with black hair in the wheel chair is definitely not midou.
It's the girl who was in love with him in his middle school. (The one who got abducted)
(I added an image to see the wheel chair girl, this is actually them visiting midou's grave) // edit: This part I actually added, this is not from the original comment post I copied.

Since the latest one from where I think the translations are up to yet which is the 10 commandments chapter, Basically the situation goes on and yada yada sex sex then MC finds out midou has been torturing every girl he talked too, then the mc does stupid stuff (which is confronting midou) and got whooped with a stun gun.

Mc tied up and all goes back to routine sex sex yada yada sex sex but with much more sadistic midou.
Nakama then finds out about mc situation, saves his sorry ass away from midou.
midou upset from the happening suddenly disappeared. (whoosh Avatar style)

MC meets with abducted middle school girl and they lick their own backs (was that the right idiom?) mc gets morale boost and girl got waifu boost blah blah etc Love

Then they find out that the nurse from middle school was in coop with midou since she was apparently blackmailing the nurse (typical midou)
and decided to make a plan to duke it out with midou.
oh did I say that midou on the other hand was somewhere out there saving up money and training herself since the half-year she disappeared? (and wants to propose to the MC)

Midou tortures blah blah to figure out the whole plan of the MC.
She makes her own plan to abduct the MC, but the MC finally (god fcking finally) gets the upper hand and skadoosh.
MC and friends brings midou back to where it all started.........the school (where she raped him and torture and stuff)
MC wanting to kill midou and midou provoking him to kill her, but heroine appears and stops MC.

Midou gets arrested when the police came (fortunately pedo 1 has left the building)

10 years later. (Unconditional time skip)
MC married to heroine (middle school girl) and she is preggers.
They got a letter from midou saying she will love the mc now, always and forever, which is btw written before she died, oh, did I mention that midou commited seppuku in the throat after writing Aishiteru using her own blood in her cell room?
// edit: Kinda felt like adding an image to show it, just cause like, she deserved it, lowkey.

After that, MC and his friends decide to go out and have fun in peace.

PLOT TWIST!!!!! (my own version)
Wheel-chair girl is actually midou and the one in prison was the middle school girl AHAHAHAHAHAHAHA
nah jk.
but for reals tho, 1% chance umu

Personally I feel bad for midou and every yandere ever, but I feel much more bad for the MC's who they latch to.
Hopefully that helps out.

ps. I did not write this spoiler, Mr. ❤NoticemeSenpai❤ in the comment section on the last chapter(ch74) on lhscan wrote this, so yeah, i'm lazy.
Feb 15, 2018
Why? Why is calling the police useless? They should have more than enough evidence that she had abducted and tortured god knows how many people. Is her dad a millionaire? The leader of the yakuza? Why nobody stops that woman.
I usually like yanderes but the lack of a reason for her crazy really makes hard for her to be endearing.
Apr 15, 2018
Maybe because if they go to the police she is gonna upload all the videos of the girls, idk what other explanation does he have...
Dex-chan lover
Aug 1, 2019
This is so frustrating to read... I get it's basically torture porn, but even I have my limits. Everyone in this story is 100% Grade A Retarded. Do the police just not exist anymore? I mean she gets arrested for MURDERING A GIRL in the beginning. Maybe it's time for an encore? I'm sure the plethora of tangible evidence and living victims could do a thing or two about keeping her in prison. The whole "uploading the photos" crap is a non-starter half excuse at best.

Christ. And yet I kept reading. I'm a damn masochist.
Group Leader
Jul 23, 2019
People who constantly bitch about this manga should just shut the fuck up. You're literally all just saying the same tired shit and it got old 20 chapters ago. Not saying this manga is flawless by any means but you're just regurgitating what 50+ other people have said and its fucking boring. Read it, don't read it. No one gives a fuck you're just being a circle jerking fag by complaining at this point
Apr 23, 2019
I'm so hesitant to read this. I love yanderes but I wonder if I read this then I won't find anything else to satisfy my sadistic yandere needs!
May 15, 2019
The idea and all is good but it gets kinda boring , the story is so dumb and unbelievable you just treat this as brainless guilty pleasure.
Jan 17, 2019
If Ichinose and Midou end up together it's a 10 otherwise it's a 5
Dex-chan lover
Jan 21, 2018
Christ. You know this is fiction not because you now it's media but there is no human capable to amount enough suspension of desbelief to get through this without getting a headache of how stupid is all.


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