Ijousha no Ai

Dex-chan lover
Mar 3, 2018
Dropped it after 21 chapters.
>I will kill her
after 5 years, all he has prepared is a single cutter.
this is beyond retardation
Group Leader
May 3, 2019
this is kind of hot. also the rating bombs are HILARIOUS. idk why people keep reading if it makes them mad. 🤣
Mar 29, 2019
So instead of a violent fight with the yandere, the author decided to drag it out with a lelworthy story where he's living with her trying to get her to give up bad photos she took of all the girls he had sex with. And apparently he's had sex with a LOT of girls, or at least a number I'd consider decent for a guy who is supposed to be on the downlow avoiding contact as much as possible because of a stalker. Like it's just cartoony stuff. And also apparently NONE of these girls could fight back or had any family or friends willing to fight or were willing to go to the police and consequences be damned. Like I get that "oh no my namu has been shamu now I commitu seppuku" is a cliche in japanese manga but I highly doubt in actual japan- regardless of speculation about how every unsolved death is treated as a suicide rather than a homicide or whatever- that not a SINGLE girl would go to the police out of fear that people would call her a slut. It goes way beyond unrealism even for a horror story where turning off your brain is the best way to not scream when characters are doing stupid things. The only story I can think of that came out recently that's equally as stupid is that one anime movie about the zombie girl where all the human characters decided to physically try to fight the zombie girl instead of running away, and then died horribly in the process.
May 7, 2018
One of my worst and most aggravating intrusive thoughts is to imagine and hope that someone out there is so absolutely obsessed with me in a very toxic, controlling way. Like, someone so in love with me that they dedicate their time to stalk me & get to know even my most disgusting secrets. I hate it. But I find myself craving it. Wanting this person who will do anything to be with me and will do anything to have me under their possession like some toddler with their toys. Wanting to consume me in their fucked up way of love. Keeping me hostage in my own home. Suffocating me with their adoration. It pisses me off. I know that I hate people who don’t give me space. Who don’t know their limits. Who need to constantly be around me. Talk to me everyday. Like an ex friend of mine when we first became friends. It felt like a itch that wouldn’t go away. A maggot crawling under my skin. I despised it. Yet, for some reason, for someone to want me like that in a romantic way. It makes me feel warm. Loved. That no matter what I do. NO MATTER WHAT. They’ll always love me. Never leave me. Even if I beg and scream for them to go. Cry and give them the most empty stares with tear filled eyes. I’ll be theirs forever. To keep. To love.

These thoughts haven’t bothered me in a while, but recently this urge is becoming so intense now that my close (and only friend) got a girlfriend. I’m so jealous? Scared? Touch starved. Craving romantic affection. Anytime I see someone staring at me my heart starts racing and I feel so overwhelmed. Anytime a stranger touches me I feel warm. I don’t want to be in a relationship. I know I don’t. I’m just, not to my liking yet. But to feel encased in someone’s love. Love that’s so strong for me.

God...I don’t even want to type this shit anymore. It’s scaring me. Scaring me that I want it so bad.

Do any of you know how to cope with this urge? It’s affecting me so much I can hardly stand being around anyone.
Double-page supporter
Jan 7, 2019
checking out this again and.. yep this manga still doesnt make any sense, but i keep coming back to this just for spicy bdsm stuff
Group Leader
Apr 16, 2018
someone wrote an article :/ https://blog.jlist.com/featured/ijousha-no-ai-is-a-dark-yandere-thriller/
Feb 6, 2019
feels lazy to wait to the end for this kinda plot anyone knows what happen in the end since it is completed
Dex-chan lover
Jan 18, 2018
*reads the entirety (up to ch. 37) in one go

I'm not so sure with the other commenters, but having worked before to rehabilitate victims of trauma and crime (in spoiler tag because tl;dr):

1.) What Midou has been doing so far is not the absolute worst that she could go to. IRL examples can be found which are just as (and often more) horrible.
2.) How her victims have responded is also not very far from reality; I know of a few cases where even the mere act of eating became difficult for the person traumatized. What is quite improbable with the narrative is how all of them have just about the same response, not asking anyone for help. (Then again, I'm no expert on Japanese society.)
3.) The imouto was clearly carrying the idiot ball (for the sake of the plot, I presume) when she went with Midou. Even when simply conducting an interview or a survey, you do not go alone, without support, with someone like that. (I remember our administrator doing regular checks on our positions and activities, even when we reported that we might take some time or need some privacy.)
4.) The MC has been carrying the idiot ball on and off for some time now, even considering his traumas. (He enlisted private investigators but couldn't contact law enforcement? Seriously?) Even after establishing his fake relationship with Midou, he took no course of action to alert anyone to his situation.

There have been IRL examples of worse being committed, and of victims even more dehumanized, but the story suffers from the implausibility of all of Midou's activities being unnoticed or unreported. That said, the story is certainly not for those with sensitive dispositions (the art style notwithstanding).
Active member
Jan 30, 2018
@Ncararc reading the opinion of someone with professional experience IRL is revigorating (about confirming the stupidity of how unreal all of them deal with a f*cked-up b*tch).
Active member
Jan 30, 2018

I think you have been very much influenced by fiction... In real life there's love and there's possession feeling. Jealousy is OK until a very clear limit. If you are encased, then you aren't loved, you are seen as an object. When a man tells "his" girl to no get out of the house alone without him, this isn't an act of "extreme love". He's not caring about her well-being, he's caring about losing her, especially under the eyes of other people. That's why it is so sadly common seeing guys trying to murder ex-wives the minute they see her with another man (at least here in Latin America). It's the thought "she can't be with anyone except me". I repeat: this is not "strong" love, it is not caring, it is not worrying. No one will feel loved in the long run with this kind of people, but only afraid of what comes next.

That said, the odds of meeting someone like that and not noticing it early on will be very low if you don't get consumed by romantic dreams.
Jun 29, 2019
Uhm.....edgy, dumb, trash
Why does this even exist????
This makes mahou shoujo site a FUCKING MASTERPIECE!!!!
May 3, 2018
i keep reading this from 1~39, damn, why is Ichinose weak,
just kill the girl, he have many chances.
What would happen at the first chapter when Ichinose respond with the question of Midou
"if without fumika would you have fallen for me"
with direct "NO"?,
at the beginning MC is already shit.
Feb 18, 2019
Sories like this one makes me so F... pissed, i had enough reading the first chapters, spoil me the end if anybody knows it and hopefully that he kills her.
Mar 6, 2019
I see a lot of you can't stomach any psycho stuff lol. Kinda funny I barf at pointless and forced romance lmfaooo.

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