Highly minor thing, but I like to point it out whenever it comes up. "Last name" fundamentally means name that comes last. It's...mildly weird translation to say that when referring to a name that is fundamentally spoken first, the family name in this case. Like, okay, I understand that particular phrases come to mean something else. A person's "backyard" has come to mean something specific, beyond just the specific words of "back" and "yard". I get it. I know that "last name" nowadays refers to "family name", not just "name that comes last in the spoken/written order".
This was a tangent. Feel free to ignore it.
"The AI" is bad translation. Drop the definite article, "the". It's just AI. "When the artists are gone and replaced with the AI". should just be "replaced with AI". It's a general term for all artificial intelligence, not a specific instance, THE specific instance. Drop the the.
Eppy is the only remaining male recurring character, and he's the bad guy. The only guy. I don't know.
And finally, I'm going to be honest, I don't really like Yoo So Yi. Which is weird. I get it. She's sympathetic because she was bullied by her peers who were jealous of her talent, and she fell into a slump that she didn't "deserve" (I don't know what word is best here). I don't blame her. But...her character seems...boring? Like a flat character without depth. She feels like a literary tool by the author to just be the undeserved victim.