I'm a Curse Crafter, and I Don't Need an S-Rank Party!

Dex-chan lover
Dec 25, 2019
I'm surprised this gets as good of a rating as it is. Maybe it gets better but after a couple of chapters it feels like it's just cut-and-paste cliche chuuni bullshit. white bread good guy MC is dumped by a party full of assholes who don't realize he was the reason they were as strong as they were and then assume their subsequent failures are his fault. It's basically the plot of like 90% of "I was kicked out of the hero party" manga.
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Dex-chan lover
Jan 9, 2019
I'm surprised this gets as good of a rating as it is. Maybe it gets better but after a couple of chapters it feels like it's just cut-and-paste cliche chuuni bullshit. white bread good guy MC is dumped by a party full of assholes who don't realize he was the reason they were as strong as they were and then assume their subsequent failures are his fault. It's basically the plot of like 90% of "I was kicked out of the hero party" manga.
cliche, but done fairly well imo. like it doesn't linger on the tropes too long so it's still enjoyable. it doesn't sit on him moping about taking revenge on his old party, just turns them into the butt of their own jokes. MC doesn't have an inferiority complex like most of the "kicked out of hero's party" types, and more just kinda dumb (in a not bad way). the series is definitely going for more comedy, which works well in this instance.
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Dex-chan lover
Aug 26, 2018
Pretty decent, all things considered. A comedic series is a great fit for a good-natured airheaded MC. Too many of these "expelled loser (who was actually secretly OP)" type stories try to go for totes super serious prove themselves/get revenge plots while trying to keep a good-natured MC and it almost always tonally jarring.

Once criticism I do have is that we should have seen the MC's party in action before expelling him. Seeing how weak the party is without him shows the reader how useful the MC is infinitely better than just telling us that he was secretly buffing them and it was super important. Just saying they're an S-rank party means absolutely nothing because the setting hasn't established its power scale yet.
Dex-chan lover
Jul 12, 2020
It goes without saying that the MC's ignorance of his own power is beyond the level of mental illness. That's what we expect. It's a law of the universe. An insurmountable cosmic force of nature. Apparently.

Heroine was fine until she became Aqua level useless. Literally clinging to MC's face in the middle of a fight because she got spooked by the undead. MC says "Just go back to the entrance" but she does not. I get it. Someone needs to be there to provide exposition about how OP he is. But wow. That one dungeon ruined her entire character.

Story keeps going back to the old party, but they're just annoying imo.

MC indirectly saves the princess' life after selling her a national treasure for way below its actual value. SO, her borderline yandere royal guard issues a WANTED: DEAD OR ALIVE warrant against him. Not dere at all. They got the ring appraised and it was confirmed to be harmless and only beneficent. But author still decides to go that route? I feel like author might be getting fucked by the publishing company's script editor.

I think the 'Princess Assassination' and the 'Dark Elf Curse' subplots seem interesting. Princess and dark elf guildmaster are currently the only decent waifu candidates.

This as of ch 11.2
Dec 1, 2020
The "MC who doesn't know how OP they are" trope is blood-boilingly stupid and I so so hate it but this manga isn't bad imo. It's a casual brainless read and I enjoy the concept of a curse user. But how the MC literally refuses to intake any sort of information that shows how strong he is infuriates me. Verbally explaining to the MC how OP he is literally didn't work; that trope is so fuckin dumb and it pisses me off to no end


Dex-chan lover
Oct 26, 2018
This whole manga is retarded
IF he's giving PERCENTAGE buffs then his team's BASE STATS would still be have to be pretty high and his items would be worthless for a civilian princess no mater how high rank they were.
These brainlet nips, despite being from the land of 200h rpgs that need a minmax chart to beat, never properly think through their stories

Edit: It's still a good read, though. You just have to ignore the usual LN retardation

Also this man takes the "spineless mc" to a whole new level
He gets used and literaly abused by every single person he meets. The guild was ripping him off, the inn lady was a cunt despite knowing him for god knows how long, his custumers are all pratically robbing him.
Everyone except pumpkin head bro who took pitty on the poor autist and did him a solid.
inb4 I'm giving him a autist diagnostic, not using autist as an insult. My qualifications: Somedudeontheinternet University
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Dex-chan lover
Mar 5, 2023
curse artificer? more like burp fart and pisser. but yea it aint bad.
Dex-chan lover
Jun 13, 2019
Could be better, but uh I don't like seeing the previous party and I hate the denseness of the mc
Double-page supporter
Mar 1, 2023
Mixes the 'kicked out from his party for being useless when hew as really overpowered and carrying the team all along' with 'overpowered with no sense of self awareness and too dense to become aware of his overpowered state' in a reminder that japan has a problem with originality that on occasion makes hollywood seem like a bastion of creativity.

The cursed crafter angle is unique at least, and although the MC is dumber than a bag of rocks with his own OP state it doesnt get conveniently overlooked/ignored by the rest of the characters - they know hes overpowered and they know hes retarded, mostly .....there are the occasional convenient misunderstandings but all together its not a bad read, being a fantasty-adventure with light comedy elements and the MC isn't unconsciously building a harem around himself while suffering from crippling erectile dysfunction. I'd say worth a read, just don't expect some world shattering story telling.
Jun 11, 2023
Story is generic iseki with at least a little bit of a twist with the fun curse stuff, so really it's just turn your brain off fun, but weirdly enough the only thing that's actually bothered me so far was when the imperial prince was threatening the assassin girl and physically forcing her down onto the demon lord artifact, like some prissy prince would ever be stronger than the leader of an assassin guild or an elite assassin would ever show fear like that or work for someone like that, also the fact she was strong enough to lift up like 4 full barrels of ale further proved how strong she was and how no way anyone could just force her head down like that. That was dumb.
Jun 19, 2023
This novel is so dumb that I registered an account to complain about it.

Author completely misses the point of this trope. This trope is aimed for people who do their invisible job every day properly but are not appreciated enough by their colleagues, partners etc. Like a janitor or an IT worker. Say you are an overworked office worker or part timer. You know that even if your job is not visible, entire place is working thanks to you. This type of story is so that you can imagine face slapping your dumb middle manager.

Here is the problem. MC is a starbucks barista who was secretly drugging his (dickish) coworkers with amphetamines. He gets fired because he wasn't doping while everybody else was amped up. And now he is like well I won't provide them with drugs anymore let's see how they'll perform now.

So instead of feeling some sort of camaraderie with the MC and hate his old teammates I am here like wait they are all idiots and MC is sabotaging.

And that's just chapter 1 it goes downhill from there.

(ps: Sure teammates deserved it. The thing is, in this genre you get to larp a "good guy" while enjoying their downfall. "I didn't hurt them they were hoisted by their own petard". This MC is actively hurting his old teammates. Which crosses the line into revenge genre. But it's too mild for that genre so it's still awful)

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