@Denrick19 right, aside from the fact I'm a woman myself, and I'm just not bound by moral restrictions, even less when it comes to a fictional media, considering I had my fair share of shit coming to my life, you know, stuff like rape as a 7 y.o. , growing an orphan, daily delinquents fights and multiple times in the hospital. At this point it's a miracle I survived to end up reading offensive stuff. And if there's something to learn here is, getting triggered by people over the internet is super lame, just get out off of your computer and see the world. See how cruel it is, how low humanity has become, and start laughing at everything, you'll see how better it gets.
The world isn't binary, stop being bound by norms, think for yourself and stop getting triggered on stuff that aren't worth it. There's no Heaven and Hell, it's all a void after death so stop living your life like a cuck trying to disdain others because they have a blast reading mangas about girls pissing standing up and do whatever the fuck pleases you before kicking the bucket.