I'm Not a Villainess!! Just Because I Can Control Darkness, Doesn't Mean I'm a Villain - Vol. 2 Ch. 12.1 - Publisher 2nd Edition

Feb 4, 2018
Much better.
Oersonal opinion, but the skin change was a mistake in the novel. Tge author could easily found a much better way to show tge change instead of this.
Mar 9, 2019
I like this version best. Still makes the same point and doesn’t ruin the character we all love. After reading this though, I do understand feel like the author/artist was trying to make a bigger point of how awful the people around her really are, and how hypocritical their behaviors were. It was supposed to be a painful moment I believe. But idk. Thank you again for sharing these chapters!:)
May 27, 2019
Jesus H. Christ, my friend was right! This comment section has become a twitter cesspool just because of the MCs has milk chocolate skin.
Dex-chan lover
Jun 4, 2019
Just change the hair color, or the eyes color, if your want to the least amount of effort on it...
Group Leader
Mar 7, 2019
Shoulda stuck true to the novel Jesus Christ I hate pandering hope the author doesn't mind but holy shit.
Dec 10, 2018
Honestly, this is better, yeah. Best would have been if in the novel she had to use up all of her healing magic after the point was made about how two faced everyone is, and thus reverted back to being darker skinned.
May 10, 2018
@Yatsuki go read the novel. The change of skin colour is on purpose and important for her character development, due to how she perceives the behaviour of those around her. By not changing her skin colour the manga will become way more shallow and superficial than the novel, the opposite of what you claim.

@HobisFlower it doesn't make the same point at all. It can't possibly make the same point without coming off as exaggerated, forced, half-arsed.

The skin colour change doesn't just happen and then get forgotten about in the novel, it's a major part of her thoughts and how other people interact with her from this point forward. It's supposed to help bring about the culmination of all the racism / prejudice commentary that's been building through the whole story, but that can't happen in the manga now. Now the manga will have to force all of her insecurities and identity crisis on "I can use light magic now" instead of "I'm treated like a human now I don't look different" which will make the 180 change in attitudes of those around her seem way too exaggerated and fake. Or it will have to erase said insecurities and identity crisis, drastically cutting back the development of her character.

No spoilers, but it'll also mean some very important scenes with other characters need to be completely re-assessed, as there's no longer much impact of "they already didn't judge me" vs. the change in behaviour of others just due to her looks the healing magic. The story is objectively weaker and more shallow now.

Not to mention it was already published with the change in skin colour and then they went back to rewrite history. There's no good justification for this, the only reason could be trying to sweep an uncomfortable look at the reality of racism and prejudice under the carpet.
Dex-chan lover
Jan 19, 2018
I'm actually glad her skin got retconned just so I could see all the soft ass bitches reeee about the 'pandering'. The change in skin didn't even make sense in the first place since dark skin is a major trait of the dark spirit. I'd get it if she turned into a dalmatian but instead it gets erased by a PORTION of the light spirit's power. Make it make sense nerds
Jun 29, 2020
What, so now the Light Spirit King's blessing has no outward signifiers to clue the reader or other characters of the novel in? Fail!
Dec 1, 2019
Man the reason for the skin change really flew over people's heads for the same reason as it happened in the LN.

It was to show how shallow everyone is, quickly changing their opinion on her and trying to get chummy after getting a makeover when she's still the same person she's always been. Hence why she's so mad at the end of the chapter.

Everyone judging people based on their appearance when what matters is what is on the inside. Like what Martin Luther King, Jr. said, "I have a dream that my four little children will one day live in a nation where they will not be judged by the color of their skin, but by the content of their character.". And what do we do now? Still judge people by their skin color just the other way around. Judge people by who they are, not their race, gender or where they came from.
May 8, 2019
Ch. 1.1

I have come to give you my blessing and as proof of my blessing to you, your skin will turn black, with all the racism that comes with it!

Can i decline?

Yes, yes you can. But please don't, the plot won't progress as intended otherwise.

If you say so, then i accept your blessing.
May 2, 2019
@Siquall I was looking for this kind of comment. Skin change is a racist move. If author really wanted to show a difference, maybe add some streaks on her hair. I was even thinking while reading the novel, 'was the light spirit much more powerful than the Dark spirit to nullify his influence from a single blessing?' I mean claudia's hair and skin is influenced by Gerald and now a single blessing just changed a large part of her body??? Does it make sense?????
Apr 5, 2019
Yeah this is better. The first one was kinda cringe for me... But claudia in blonde/partial blonde/white hair could also look cool ngl
May 10, 2018
@Xirre please explain how adding some streaks to their hair would have the same impact on someone's personal identity and the behaviour of an entire nation compared to all of their skin changing colour. Also please explain how well readers would connect with the commentary on prejudice if the story was just based on hair colour, given how many people in these comments clearly don't understand even when it was done with actual skin colour.
Double-page supporter
May 18, 2018
IIRC, in the novel her skin just became brighter and the result was the so-called chocolate skin. She was just way darker before.
Apr 26, 2020
I can kinda see what the author was attempting to do there but it doesn’t excuse the weird colorist attitude.

Also if the scan team or anyone who uses phrasing like “milk chocolate goddess” happens to see this please stop referring to different skin tones with food comparisons. People do not like to be compared to food. Many communities have expressed their dislike of it and as a minority I also personally find that sort of thing distasteful.
Apr 26, 2020
@Next_order the reasoning for the skin color change didn’t fly over people’s heads it was just very unnecessary. She was already proving people’s prejudices wrong by being herself they didn’t have to lighten her skin tone to show everyone would be nicer to her- we already knew that, it’s like half the manga’s damn premise. Also with this whole “blessing” thing it shows the mangaka intended for her to live out the rest of the novel as “pretty” as if she had some sort of beauty transformation as the pretty girl she was “meant to be” rather than just having a lightened skin tone.

No one is judging the character for having a new pale skin tone itself- it is the societal prejudice and tendency to whitewash characters and people that made the change disturbing. You don’t get to throw around MLK quotes without admitting the context in the world. If you believe that people are being racist for finding the whitewashing of this character strange then you are extremely ignorant.

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