I'm Not a Villainess!! Just Because I Can Control Darkness, Doesn't Mean I'm a Villain - Vol. 2 Ch. 12.1 - Publisher 2nd Edition

Oct 15, 2019
Really don't care about the skin color change. It makes sense when you compare it to the story since this world shes in is racist but people dont think that way and have to be anti racist so if he changes it they will get mad. Sad to see
Oct 25, 2020
Honestly being upset by this little bullshits (that also do makes sense since her colors was due to the spirit blessing to begin with) is the reason why racism still exist, all differences are nice and makes people unique, you might like or dislike some of those diffs because everyone has different tastes but that should be it, stop being triggered by stupid stuff.
I also liked her black skin btw and i hope by plot she will get it back while making the people understand how special she is by nature and not because of a blessing crap.
Apr 21, 2020
Dark or light skinned, it doesn't really matter ― I'm just glad that she didn't instantly forgive her dumbass mother.

Also, if anyone needs a reason why her skin didn't change under the influence of the Light Spirit King's blessing, it's just as the Dark Spirit King said: he cherishes Claudia more. Ignoring the fact that her body might have simply grown accustomed to the latter's blessing and its effects on her appearance, for a number of reasons, it would honestly make just as much sense that his blessing would take precedence over Grace's in that regard
May 13, 2020

Why @ me if you didn't read the entire comment? Should've just left that in the drafts. In 2021, we gotta do better, luv.

I partially agreed with the skin tone change, as it quite literally showed how fickle people are when it comes to "others" and their outter appearance (how flimsy racism/colorism is). And she has every right to be upset at people's hypocrisy. Why would you use her parents genetics as a form of reasoning? Her parents never treated her with an iota compassion or understanding, simply feared and were disgusted by her straight out the womb, but now that her skin is lighter (via blessing) her biological guardians want to start over and become a loving family.....

Also on genetics, irl, white parents can birth a black child 🤯, it is rare, tho that's not the point. The change in skin tone wasn't really needed, but I'm interested to see where the author is going with this. Maybe those who mistreated/misjudged her solely based upon her appearance, gain a new understanding but she doesn't engage with them, as their personalities are(n't worth having in one's life now that she suites their colorist taste) trash.

Perhaps you may have skimmed over certain parts where they degrade and scorn her, based on her appearance alone? Regardless, their actions reiterate their subconscious belief that having darker skin is a sign of evil and being less than human. Why do you deny something so obvious? Are you purposefully being obtuse? People should be upset, that's the point. Again, if you aren't, you are a part of the problem.

Quick note on hair, vs eyes, vs skin- would it not make more sense for her hair or iris/pupil color to change? Skin is the largest part of the body so if the light king's blessing doesn't outweigh the dark king then shouldn't the blessing affect her iris's or hair? Something that's proportionate to the size of the blessings bestowed upon her?

A more succinct way of saying this is: changes weren't necessary and illogical at best, but I want to see where this goes and if people (both manga and irl) will partake in some much needed introspection... 👀
Dex-chan lover
May 6, 2019
Sexy Chocolate... always

(I don't think anybody would ge the reference)
Dex-chan lover
Jan 18, 2018
Honestly, people are having such binary opinions about this.

Frankly, I'm of the opinion that if it was important to the story, I'm hoping that they would have kept any change that allowed the writer to illustrate the hypocrisy of those around her due to her sudden change in treatment.

Yet I also understand that, on the other hand, I can see why people are upset. It didn't have to be her skin color that needed to be changed to show off the blessing of the Light King. That's such a sensitive issue, after all.

I just wish people understood and be empathetic to both stances without having to make snide remarks. And, yes, I'm mainly talking about the weebs going on about SJWs in the comments or the folks calling people happy with the dark skin being kept as dumb or stupid.

You can't blame people who are reading this story casually and doesn't know where the story is going. A lot of people don't know the spoilers.
Apr 24, 2020
I prefer the original novel idea than this version. Because it show how family treat her differently and it make more sense how racist they are.
Dex-chan lover
Aug 9, 2018
The conclusion I have come to realize after reading through so many comments is that people would rather choose an appealing character appearance over the story. I understand if people criticize the novel for this skin color-change decision which many of the novel readers did, but the fact that the manga follows the narration of the novel means this manga-only change essentially screwed over the story progression the novel has set in place.

Actually kinda curious on this topic, do people think that a documentary about racism is racist? If you censor the documentary, is it helping or worsening racism? Although this is just a story and probably not meant to be a grandiose plan to bring awareness to this controversial topic, would it be the same case as the documentary example?
Dex-chan lover
Mar 25, 2019
I don't care about the skin color at all as I hold that dehumanising is always wrong, no matter the reason, and wouldn't care if she turned white. Because, as she said, it didn't change the past and what wrong they did stay wrong no matter how good they treat her white version from now on. As long as writer does not go normalise their past actions by stating that it is fine to be an asshole because their target is coloured then I will give the author artistic license to write the story.

But, I also wouldn't blame cancel culture on the change too. As cancel culture is about blame a work on basis unrelated to its contents. But in this case it is core content so it is more like change due to legit feedback, which is a good and natural outcome.
Active member
May 5, 2018
Story: *new skin acquired, auto-equip*
Internet: CHANGE IT BACK!!!!!!!!!!!! 😡🤬
Publisher: *peer-pressured to do so*
Internet: WHY DID YOU DO THAT!!!!!!!!!!!! 😡🤬

Funny as always, I guess?
Apr 21, 2020
i also though the hair is the better one that change like to blonde or silver, but oh well who am i, i just the humble reader xD
Fed-Kun's army
Jan 28, 2018
@Kalamel Actually, that's all the more reason to blame cancel culture. Because it completely removes a major plot point because of completely unrelated assumptions.
Dex-chan lover
Mar 25, 2019

Because it completely removes a major plot point because of completely unrelated assumptions.

Plot of this is that MC was unfairly treated due to her skin colour. So what were those feedback that you mean unrelated? This is an honest question and not a sarcasm. I can't read Japanese so I truly don't know.

If they complained because BLM, then yes, it's unrelated. But if they're like HaruParty and their opinion on the first page then I can't say it's unrelated.
Dex-chan lover
Jul 21, 2018
Honestly, I feel like this edit cheapens the story. The original intent was obviously to show that people were judging her by the color of her skin and her struggles when she experiences how two-faced everyone is being, and they are completely erasing that. Having it be that people treat her better because of the light spirit's blessing doesn't work the same, because if her skin color doesn't change, then unaware people will just see her dark skin and still act prejudiced, which goes against the point being made that everyone is flipping to the other side of the coin.

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