I'm not a villainess!! Just Because I Can Control Darkness, Doesn't Mean I'm a villain - Vol. 2 Ch. 13

Group Leader
Aug 15, 2018
@monkey123 the publisher took down the "white" chapter and replaced it with the "toned" chapter, and from there forward has only been toned. Although there was never any information we could find on why they reverted the skin color, it's clear this was an executive decision by the publisher. If someone wants to make a "fan-white" version, be my guest XD (just make sure it's a new manga dex entry as "fan-colored")
Group Leader
Jan 22, 2021
I think MC turning white skinned wasn't that bad if the author planned it to sweeten the plot. From the way the people reacted to her white skin, it greatly showed how displeased the MC was. The author could have later on wrote about how MC's displeasure at having pale skin made her request her spirit to turn it back in the end. It's not like the manga was completed already.
Jun 12, 2019
Dropped. 😓

I wish the mangaka could have stuck with the original plot written by the author, which is having
her skin color change. In the first place, her skin color is only dark due to having a contract with
the dark Spirit King. It isn't her original skin color, so I really don't get why all the hate when she
simply changed back to the skin color she would have been born with.
Nov 20, 2020
I don’t really have any problems with romance but I hate this type and with the skin I think I will drop it.
Dex-chan lover
Mar 28, 2020
> Given the clear intention of pure love by the Prince on his confession, when some ugly peeps do that, its an instant rejection.
"Raijuu die!!!!!!!!!!" (the bitter me shouting with all my heart)

> If some celebrity, that was so beautiful confessed to me she like me, then
1. At first i am nervous cause i dont know how to respond by the sudden confession
2. Evaluate if her feeling is true or not. Please be mindful that our hearts are not being used to love by some love interest = to our whole life. Its very sensitive...
3. Evaluate if she was planning sinister to me.
4. Was she a gold digger?
5. Was she after my body?
6. Was she will be using me as an errand boy while being NTR'd?

Sorry peeps, this is what is going around the brain of the unpopular guys.
We are skeptical to everything, because we want pure love...
If you dont understand it, please let it go by as if you didnt read anything

> F*** the prince. He already scored a kiss to MC because of the Raijuu confession...
"Raijuu should die!!!" (the bitter me shouting greatly)
Dec 13, 2020

Besides, get real son, what an unrealistic hypotetical scenario you put, us real ugly bastards won't even get asked what time is it LMAO. 😂

Just let those who can enjoy themselves and learn to enjoy what you can imagine trying to look like unironcally giving life advices on a manga comment section LMAO
Dex-chan lover
Jan 19, 2018
Wow there are still retards that are pressed with the skin tone decision.
Nov 18, 2019
Eh, this could have been such a nice wrap-up. But is this going to fall to the curse of shoujo manga? (where the second part is horrible dry and boring even though the first one was promising.)
Group Leader
Apr 24, 2020
All you people are whining about the skin (you're won't, it was a good change) and not the sudden power drop so she can remain delicate and saveable for her man?

Guess I get to be special and say I'm dropping this bc I can't ignore how mediocre the writing on this is anymore. They introduce an ugly kid for what? 3 pages? just so she can squeal femininely while the prince "saves" somebody who just won a WAR.
Dex-chan lover
Aug 12, 2018
Hate when series are like "you want this man to not be near the opposite sex at all? That's love baby!" Not healthy love, no.
Dex-chan lover
Feb 2, 2018
please dont tell me the prince has been playing putppet master the whole time?>
Double-page supporter
Jul 25, 2020
What a shame, I am as disappointed about the skin as everyone but now it feels cheapened to be handed it straight to us.

If anything her hair and eyes should be changed to white while her skin staying brown, because it still shows Gerald is the dominate power residing within her. Sadly gonna have to drop this and I wish this work a well future.
Jul 9, 2020
Since the publishers reverted the skin, I'm going to assume it wasn't a big deal in the long term, as far as the story goes...? Like she changed her skin and a few people were nicer and she got mad for a bit but then she started dating the prince and that was the end of that.

It's an interesting idea, but it wastes chapter counts and creates bitter shipping wars so I can see why most authors avoid it. But for the record there are a (very) few shoujo series where the MC breaks up with the first guy for whatever reason and gets together with another. Peach Girl comes to mind.
Jun 19, 2020
Hmm hmm this is nice and all but why do I think I'm seeing a very distinct axe-shaped object that seems to be getting bigger?
Active member
Apr 25, 2018
Thank you for the translation.

I feel like I'm the only one in the world who liked the original skin change. The writing is dropping off anyways, but it could have been a perfect way to represent how superficially everyone looked at her when they treated her better just because her skin color switched. Having that changed due to public pressure is...unfortunate.

Additionally, they didn't set things up with Levi properly, and now it feels like he's just hopping on the bandwagon as well. The right time for a confession was before she went off to battle or got accused, now everything is tainted by the sudden and unearned love everyone has towards her. This could have had a very poignant message about discrimination, but it's really missing the mark. I'll keep reading it, though it will probably be axed soon.

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