Hmm…🤔 Does this mean that Claudia just needs to get swept away by the Dark Spirit King to the spirit realms of something else in order to keep her protected from being used as cannon fodder? 🤔
@naeon, I thought that Claudia's Mom just defended Claudia (or was that the Queen?)—the Mom gets freaked out in-person (we can blame social programming on this one for her visceral reactions)—she
may act like a shitty parent most of the time due to her fear, but when it comes down to her daughter being used as a weapon of war, she attempts to protect her.
Now, I
may be confusing Claudia's Mom for the Queen, but if not, then I wouldn't call her standing up for her daughter hypocritical. It would be hypocritical if she were to actively harm her child (neglect is a form of abuse, however it is a different form than say whipping a child and actively starving them—both are terrible, but it's kinda like say a parent who doesn't have any food to feed themselves or their children vs someone who intentionally starves a child while living the high life—in Claudia's Mom's case, I'd say that she's a weak person who has been programmed culturally by intense visceral fear as opposed to her actively seeking harm on Claudia). Since Claudia's Mom avoids her due to a visceral reaction, the most I feel like claiming is that she's not a very strong person, was highly propagandized and imbued with stigma, and has some major mental health issues.
If the Mom fails most of the time to be a parent, but when the proverbial shit hits the fan and their kid is about to be used as a weapon of war, then her standing up for Claudia against the Prime Minister would be in my view her demonstrating that while broken, she is not a totally irredeemable character/person, and does care to some extent about her daughter, does have basic ethics. One could potentially argue that she's protecting her pride, but when one considers that being used as a weapon to protect the society would bring great honor onto her family and could potentially blight out the stain of being "cursed" with the Dark Fairy King's vessel as a child. If the Mom went against this very lucrative position for the sake of doing right/protecting her daughter, despite the Mom's issues inside, then that shows some nuance to the character.
Unfortunately, she isn't doing more as a parent, but if given a choice between a parent who would sell their child out & neglect them vs a parent who merely neglects them, but when someone is seeking to use them as a weapon, said parent finding the courage to stand up for that child despite the obstacles feels like a marked improvement. It may be easier for someone to write off the former parent as a "monster" and dehumanize them when compared with the latter case (thus, making it more difficult for the person to cope with the extreme difficulties associated with coming to terms with such marked extremes), but that doesn't mean that the outcome would be better.
I've seen a variety of people act from many of these perspectives and more, and in my experience, people act without restraint when they are pushed beyond their means under enormous stress, particularly when they are forced to overturn fundamentals about how they believe the world to operate. In the case of Claudia, her Mom was programmed to think & react a particular way by society and for her to fundamentally change would require tremendous help, time, effort, and energy (which she may not possess).