I'm Not a Villainess!! Just Because I Can Control Darkness, Doesn't Mean I'm a Villain

May 13, 2018
chap 13's post-reaction:
"eh? what's this tittle about again?"

i got a feeling that this tittle's story development should be 200-300 chps worth but the editor cut it short to 50 or more like.

should i spoiler tag this comment? lol
Apr 21, 2020
Ah how adorable. I'm really happy she finally found love 😊
Also for the people arguing that you can't read this from a racial standpoint then I just want to say that this, like any other story, can be interpreted in many different ways.

That is the fun part about stories. You can view them from many different perspectives and experiences. Every interpretation is valid if you can find evidence within the text and visuals. The author's "intentions" don't matter, especially in this case where they are unknown as they didn't come out and straight up say anything.

A story can be a multitude of things and it changes depending on which angle you look at it from!

So anyways, have fun continuing to analyse this piece of medium! 😄

(Btw this isn't meant to antagonise or infantilise anyone. I'm just saying that personal and general interpretation is a huge part of story reading)
Oct 21, 2019
hm, chapter 13 kinda sucked, everything seemed to happen so artificially, and was way to quick paced. What I felt should have been at least 5 chapters was sucked into 1. Also the way the artist draws the side view of the characters face ignites some sort of feral instinct where I suddenly get really violent I dont know why but it makes me mad
Jan 20, 2018
this wasn't great from the start but now holy shit is it bad in just two chapters.
Sep 27, 2020
For ppl saying this is racist, imo, it's not.
The reason they don't like her is because rhe previous holder of the darkness tried to destroy the world.
Of course, they shouldn't be scared of her, cuz she's a different person, but it's not cuz of her skin.
And her skin is darkish only because she was given the dark spirit king's blessing. The problem wasn't her skin, but the dark spirit king's power.
Group Leader
Dec 3, 2020
Can someone spoiler me the ending? I heard the LN is pretty short too and im curious about the ending.
Group Leader
Jan 13, 2021
@dragonK123: it also has to do with her skin. The betrayal happened due to fear of the "unknown". It started with that legend and people just correlate it with her appearance.

In every magical other world isekai MCs go to, dark hair AND dark skin is considered an evil omen for unknown reason other than it's uncommon.

Take current society for example, "black" people do the most crimes according to researches and people who are "savvy" when it comes to living, they tend to avoid areas with high density of black people (they also associate them with gangs so that's a thing).

(I'm not saying "white" people don't do crimes, it's just lesser than blacks. However, it's stated that when it happens, there is a higher body count.)
Oct 11, 2020
terrible writing, 2d characters, no arcs, no plot, something you read at 5 am and then forgets it exists. 4/10. I was super disappointed considering the rating rn is at 8.
Jan 18, 2021
This is definitely some mary sue content, wouldn’t say it’s good but more a cluster of tropes.
Oct 28, 2019
This was good at beginning but now? She became somehow white bc why? She literally went to war and some dude is randomly creep and she can't even defend herself? The writing went to shit.its becoming more and more random with characters that have 2d personality.
Jan 28, 2021
Again she wasn't black because she was born black @Simnisola , her whole family is white, she literally has dark skin from the blessing of the dark spirit. People made this into a racist thing and helped ruin it. Yea they made fun of her skin, however how can that be racist when she is literally the same race as them with a dark pigment due to a spirit? If it wasn't for that spirit, she would of had white skin like her whole entire family.
Jan 26, 2020
Everyone going 'it's not racist!' is ignoring the subtext involved, where 'the paler the skin, the better' is a severe problem in some countries, leading to people even artificially whitening their skin. Sure, IN-UNIVERSE there's excuses. But the context is important. If I take someone who is coded Jewish, and then proceed to paint them the villain, 'but it's just fiction' isn't an excuse.

So you can do two things. The first is investigating both your own prejudices and why people dislike 'X-coded is used for villains' and 'white = better' tropes, and actually listen to them. The other is insisting that it's perfectly fine to keep throwing harmful stereotypes around. If you do the second, whelp, congrats, you're a bigot in denial.
Dex-chan lover
May 10, 2018
Come on, pls just do 2 versions of each chapters so more people would be satisfied. Not all of course, since there are always those who complain no matter what you do.
Aug 7, 2020
I’ll say this, I’m glad that we have our chocolate skinned princess back. It was wrong for them to make her receiving a “good blessing” mean that her skin is lighter now. There’s lots of ways to indicate that a character has something changed about them physically or otherwise. Hair color, eye color, clothing changes, making them glow or shine are all ways to make a character undergo a visible change.

But whitewashing a character as part of their transformation (here it’s the only change) makes it clear to the audience that their skin was “bad guy skin” so they need “good guy skin” to be an official good guy. I’m glad that the colorism was called out as wrong and has been corrected. Especially since her dark features were considered a bad omen, nothing about her as a character has changed she’s still the protagonist.

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