I'm Not a Villainess!! Just Because I Can Control Darkness, Doesn't Mean I'm a Villain

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May 24, 2019
it's honestly comical that they keep bringing up her supposedly dark skin. the colour art makes her look almost as white as anyone else.
Jul 8, 2018
@matchsticks i wouldnt agree on that, her skin colour is vastly different in my eyes compared to others. you can nearly see her skin colour blending in with the background in some scenes.
Aug 17, 2018
Its really funny how in the drawings it looks dark and in the cover she looks almost white, is this whitewashing?
May 4, 2019
Definitely want to continue reading and hope it keeps getting updated regularly.

But the casual racism-ish (ish because Japan has its own history with colourism) does make me uncomfortable. Very excited to see how it's explored 😊
Jul 21, 2018
Why are you ppls calling it a "racism" when it's not? She isn't a different race from them, she just has darker skin.
It's like calling a strong tanned white girl "black".
Mar 7, 2019
Y'all can call it whatever you want, but regardless the main character is being discriminated against due to the shade of her skin color and people are openly ridiculing her for it. Its semantics but its basically just bullying someone for something they have no control over which is one of the main components of racism/sexism/homophobia.
Jun 10, 2019
People find comfort in being ignorant. So I'm not surprised when some people do not call racist actions racist. If we want to sugar coat things we can just say they are prejudiced and ignorant for ridiculing her because of the shade of her skin. When you find pleasure in reading this you won't call it what it is, that's fine just admit it. Like dang, I like reading ignorant mangas because of the 'great' plotline. Thank you to the rest for not following group mentality and calling it for what it is.
Jan 18, 2018
This is darker than I expected.
(No pun intended. Though, I suppose she also is in fact darker than I expected, technically, given that she clearly does not have any sort of dark skin on the cover XD)

But it is not falling into throes of melodrama. The plot isn't tripping over itself trying to make things more horrible. The protagonist more or less downplays everything as being normal (if regrettably so) to her experience, as one often does when things have been bad for a long time. All in all, it seems a more natural and convincing of a portrait of a human being in difficult circumstances.

Actually, there's a lot to be said for what the author does with matters of perception and character perspective here. You can see in interactions between her and those that are terrified of her, both the calm way in which she might perceive a conversation, and yet at the same time how the other party construes the same interaction as being full of suspense and menace—because they treat her quietness as one would treat teatime with a demon lord: Groping for deadly, unnamed subtleties—but there actually are none.
(Her high-society bullies, by contrast, are unconvincingly shallow paper-cut-outs. They make no sense. Not everything in this is masterfully done, I guess XD)

TL;DR: My standards for good writing in isekai are naturally low, but, this has some rather well-done bits to it.
Dec 10, 2018
It's definitely colorism, not racism, and I'm fairly certain that the point is to have a dark skinned protagonist because due to the history of colorism in Japan basically every main character in media, especially ones considered pretty, is pale skinned. Remember that this media comes from a country with a huge industry built around bleaching your skin to look "prettier"; that context is important
May 4, 2019
I agree to an extent @Paradoxicull
Colourism and racism are contextual. Both inform the other.

In a lot of mangas and isekai stories the MC becomes lighter, 'bright' eyes and often blonde hair which is deemed 'beautiful' unlike their usual former appearance of brown haired and brown eyes. So I'm interested to see how this story develops.

My heart breaks for the MC though. Sucky family situation in your former life and sucky parents in the new one.

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