I'm the Ex-Girlfriend of a Soldier - Ch. 4

Feb 4, 2020
Bought you another sandwich after teasing you by eating the one you ordered, got it cut up for you as well. SOLD! Lol is it sad that I have such low expectations of men, fictional and girl, that just seeing him in this manhwa do that for her all suavely gives him points in my book? 😂
Jan 25, 2019
Don’t know how I feel... he seems nice but also hmmmm

How would you even pronounce his name?? I’m thinking “yse” seems to be like along the lines of “yves” But idkkk
Fed-Kun's army
Sep 17, 2019
@miyukki I LAUGHED TOO HARD AT Y-SEE LOLOLOLOLOL now I can't stop thinking of it like that OMG
Aggregator gang
Aug 7, 2018
@HarukaNazu Generally speaking, eating during a conversation in a formal setting (like a marriage interview) is rude if the other party doesn't have any food themselves. And if it's finger food like her sandwich, that's even worse. (This is why she said that bit about mukbang.) She expects him to share the same set of values as she does and recognize that even if she did want to eat her sandwich, she might not be able to say so (due to the formal context). Now, expecting other people to be on the same social wavelength as you is a great way to set yourself up for failure and frustration IME, but it's still a step shy of expecting the other party to read your mind.
Active member
Apr 19, 2018
...am I the only one that's thinking that Maise was the one being unreasonable here? She could've just explained that she was in the middle of eating and was still hungry, why did she have to lie about her hunger and get mad at Yse so one-sidedly for something that wasn't even his fault? Its not like he just started eating her sandwiches of his own accord like an ass, he even asked for permission first. 😐

Luckily, Yse was observant and was able to smooth things over, but still... 😕
Active member
Nov 2, 2019
@WhoCares I don't really consider myself food-greedy, but I think the whole point that he asks for her food is rude. He also pulled her entire plate over, so she can't even eat while he's eating. Yeah maybe they have a different set of values, but if someone did that to me I would think that their family didn't teach them manners...

She took like 2 bites of her sandwich and then he eats a whole one himself? Without just asking for a second plate so at least she could finish hers? And he asked for it rudely (maybe it reads different in the original language), irl people would normally ask "are you finished with that? may I have the rest?" or "can I try a piece?"

Only my family is allowed to ask for my food like that. I dunno, maybe I was raised different.
Oct 4, 2019
I get what you guys are saying, and you're right about all you're saying, like his initial request being incredibly rude, and maybe it's more expecting him to share the same social norms and not read her mind, but for me it was the contrast between saying it's okay/she's not hungry/go ahead and being furious beneath it that kind of rubbed me the wrong way, since by the act of asking for your food he has clearly proven he DOESN'T share those norms you'd expect. But this is really just a personal reaction, and I also agree with all you're saying 😂
Dex-chan lover
Jan 21, 2018
What the f is this? Girl. Fucking speak your mind instead of literally leading him on to the path you are NOT looking for! Everything you just said sounds great to him! Christ this is a drop, cannot stand authors doing this type of shit. Too bad, since I love the work Saving your toochies does and the other projects they have are gold. If this girl could speak her mind like MC from Beware of the Villainess, this would be gold. But ye, lack of backbone and oozing complacency.
Active member
Mar 12, 2019
Wow he's actually very smooth. As a bit of of explanation, first off you have to be aware of the unfair expectations that were (and possibly in some areas still are) held of women regarding eating. Proper ladies were expected in company to eat only small bites, neatly, and delicately with a modest appetite (so no stuffing/gorging). Therefore, she feels compelled to avoid eating a sandwich like that in front of him and feigns fullness as an excuse.

Now him eating her sandwich may seem initially inconsiderate, as she took it, but actually is a consideration. By him eating her sandwich it gives him the excuse to order one for her, and one that is specifically cut to small pieces. This is thoughtful in 2 ways. First it gives her a sandwich in a form in which she comfortably eat it in company (small pieces that can be eaten neatly). Second, by doing it this way he can address the issue of her not being able to eat in a way that doesn't draw attention nor would force her to feel indebted by him simply ordering her another sandwich (why he ate hers, so he's making it up to her rather than doing her a favor).

By modern standards this is very roundabout way of doing things but considering the manners for this general timeline, it's a very smooth way of showing consideration and ingratiating himself to her .
Active member
Dec 3, 2018
So far its a meh. I think she's indecisive and gets swayed easily.

I'll let this pile up and binge read it in the future. ┐(´ー`)┌
Dex-chan lover
Jan 11, 2020
I think the thing you need to understand is that this is a marriage interview, aka both are probing and looking for cracks in the other person's personality, marriage interviews can go VERY quick into engagement, so if you don't see a person's real personality, you could be in for a world of hurt later on and add in general asian courtesy and it can be a bit overwhelming for someone not prepared for it, to me it looks like he's intentionally leading her on while giving glimpses of his own personality to show her and let her decide what she thinks (she is also doing the same though i think he's playing the game better than her), basically a marriage interview can border on a business negotiation in how intricate it can be, so he most likely took her sandwich intentionally to gauge her reaction.
Apr 22, 2020
That Yse guy is really smooth. If there's a guy like him irl, I wouldn't mind dating him for real.
Active member
Nov 2, 2019
@Tatsuya-Kai I mean, it's obvious that he's messing with her. The thing is that people are asking "why is she mad" but it seems clear to me she has a reason to be mad. She responded fairly appropriately by not pitching a fit, but it's also clear this dude has been spying on her anyway so no matter what he does in this marriage interview situation it's to manipulate her into a relationship. He also just admitted that he wasn't going to take the marriage interview that seriously.

I'm a little tired of isekai series having ML that clearly know a bigger picture and we have to spend like 10 chapters before the FL catches on, and then it's all the ML going "uwu do u forgive me i just found u so interesting" and the FL explodes with flowers and drowns in the puppy eyes. Yeah it's my fault that I keep picking up these types of series, but damn if it doesn't get tiring quick.

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