@ParagonNight She may not be the wisest of individuals but she isn't flat out stupid. I got sad and read the next chapter a teeny bit 👌 because I needed more, then I got depressed that I didn't understand all the words and couldn't let the dialogue sink in like I normally do, then stuff happened in that chapter that made me think, "Yes. I need to read this in it's English entirety. I'm not that good at Spanish." Then blah blah blah and blah blah blah and
She kept asking about his face suspiciously, but she never seemed annoyed by him. She suspected him but not in a negative way. I'm not sure if not seeing that as red flags made her dumb, but I think she has a head on her shoulders and knows that this guy has too much nice-guy-syndrome to ever hurt her. You have one entitled guy and one too nice, too trusting girl that keeps reiterating they're just friends. Will she start liking him eventually? Probably. It's a romance manga. I like the irony. Maise finally feels like she's being herself when she's around this guy, while he has to put on a act. Yse is thinking of dropping the act because she doesn't appear to be falling for him but Maise actually is. It's just ironic...I mean. That isn't how it should go. The scenario hits close to home. So many people put on acts for others to like them and end up feeling trapped their roles overtime. Maise feels that way with everyone except Yse and Yse is okay with everybody but is only that way with Maise. The parallels are interesting and it really drives home the fact that you just have to be yourself. I'm pretty sure Yse will be forced to break character soon because Maise isn't an idiot and all I can do is hope this manhwa handles it right.
Sorry for the long reply but I really think I like this manhwa. But as you said, it entirely depends on the rest of the chapters.