2 things to say, this story is carbage, even by urban life style is the worst story i did read,the plot is ridiculous broken and nonsense 0 logic, if u guys like this even so then there is a remake of this story( a new manwha) that actually follows the novel story, this manwha dont really follow the novel that is a carbage too, his lover on this manwha is actually the person who betrayed him on the novel, he saved her, trained her gave her alot of things, and generic bad women bla bla bla, he falls on to a trap and is killed, the story will go like this, his ex put a green hat on mc, then mc face slap her, then the cop flower face slap time, then his fiance face slap time, then his old shool mate face slap time, then a idol face slap time, then his mother family face slap time, then another idol wannabe face slap time, then his coworker face slap time, the u insert more fiances, and so on face slap time and the story is done =/