I really hate it when characters just apologize without explaining anything. That's anathema to proper communication, a highly coveted and extremely valuable resource in short supply for nearly every manga. Good thing Yonashiro got things explained to her already, even though it should've been Iori himself who did it.
That was one very stupid misunderstanding that didn't need to fester (for years too!), had Yonashiro known that Hise unnaturally forgot just who her male friend was.
This also makes him look like one big dumbass for also misunderstanding that Touka wanted him gone so she can finally permanently assume her dead sister's identity. That goes against every single gesture of affection she's ever shown to him.
But hey, this is the second to the last chapter in what most likely is just an elaborate novel ad. I don't suppose we're getting a satisfying conclusion next chapter...
Thanks for picking this up, readers were so close to finishing this, even if it's just some LN ad.