Imiko to Yobareta Shoukanshi - Ch. 2.1

Nov 19, 2018
@Eridian you’re applying your morals to the Mc. He lives in another world different than ours. Him killing the party in itself wasn’t wrong, because if he had left them to leave all they’d do is come back later with more people or stronger people. You also do not know he was raised, the manga is at chapter 3.
For all we know the spirits could’ve teached him to pay in an eye for an eye.
I don’t think this manga is for you, you seem to be the kind of person that has to project/identify with the character at some point and the problem with this one is that you cannot.
Fro my the little we’ve seen from the spirits is that they have a distrust of humans if not other feelings, and that could’ve been imprinted on him, which is why he shows no mercy to the party... I didn’t see his actions as wrong, that was his territory, they invaded, and he killed them the same way they tried to kill him. (He burned the mage girl cuz she tried to burn him). He’d put his loved ones in danger if he left an adventurer party explore and go back intact from his territory, so all he did was prevent that.
Dex-chan lover
May 27, 2018
First thing first, pls keep the neechan rather than sis.
Overall, its great.
Jan 29, 2019
>teaching diversity and tolerance to their young male child

is this paralleling the failing western civilization?
Jan 29, 2019
@eridian dude you need some serious fucking help if you think a group of 4 powerful adventurers going out in the forest and killing and robbing the monsters, in the monsters' own land is good and ethical but when they face the exact same and appropriate consequences even after being warned of those consequences, the mc is a sociopath. It seems like you seriously are a sick fucked up person projecting your amorality onto the mc that was protecting his land
Feb 13, 2019
@KitsuVonKraft and I'm saying, that humanity, in reality has decided that kind of thing is wrong. This is like someone going into the woods, seeing a deer and killing it for food, and some crazy man runs up to them and kills them for it. That is essentially what is happening here. And you people are arguing, "well they invaded his forest" Fuck that. If you actually believe that kind of shit is okay, like outside of a story that is where your beliefs lie, then you need to fucking talk with someone.
Feb 13, 2019
@dobatag Oh screw that bullshit. Seriously. For fucking starters the monster attacks them in that sequence. Second, it's akin to them hunting an animal so they can survive. It's not like they broke into someones house and killed their fucking pets. A person that gives no explanation and then kills a bunch of people, and shows no sympathy for it, or remorse, is literally a sociopath, as in the actual text book you can look it up right fucking now, definition. If that stings you in some way to hear, then that says a whole fuck of a lot more about YOU than anything else.
Nov 12, 2018
@Eridian so you would rather read about a boring goody mc that we already have thousands on manga on? zzzzz
Aug 15, 2020
Soooo adorable hope everything stays cute and innocent like this
Feb 13, 2019
@Skine No, i would rather read one that has some justification for it. Like revenge for being betrayed or some other excuse. Not a person that commits murder against people that essentially killed an animal in the woods so they can survive, and then has no remorse, or hesitation. If i want to read or watch a story about a sick individual like that, i'd go watch hannibal or something. And even then that is portrayed as it is, a sick person doing sick shit. Not someone doing horrendous shit and then the author going "AnD DIS IZ GOoD gUy"
Mar 19, 2019
@Eridian Nah it's not to survive it's to make cash, it's the same thing as poaching elephants or rhinos on a reserve for their ivory and getting caught by the people protecting these animals and shooting at them when told to drop what they caught, in reality, they would not just get a warning after getting caught, he warned them: give back what you caught and leave this place, they attacked him, he retaliated, few hundred years ago there were a few places called royal forests if you got caught hunting there you were good as dead. Try this in real life go on a reserve without a hunting permit (not that it matters since you don't belong there in the first place and the permit is not giving you the right to hunt there) and when you get caught by a wildlife agent he/she tells you to drop your loot and ask for credential since you gonna get smacked legally and instead of complying you shoot him/her? Yeah, try that I don't think you will only get a warning. Also, this place could be considered another country's property since it sure ain't their (adventurer's) private land
Dex-chan lover
Jan 29, 2018
They already had 2 fruits. They didn't need a third beyond petty greed. Where the hell are you getting this "so they can survive" shit from, are we reading the same manga? The spirits consider the monsters of the forest their kin, and MC was raised by the Spirits with THEIR set of values so he does as well. He tells them as much, but somehow to you that means he killed the adventurers in cold blood which is a laughable stance to take. Reread chapter 1 and try to say "he had no justification", what you really mean is "his justification doesn't matter to ME".
Mar 9, 2018
I don't really get how it's hard to understand the main characters actions based on what's known @Eridian. First, he's raised by spirits that seem to dislike humans and while an exact reason isn't given it's pretty easy to guess numerous reasons why spirits might dislike humans. Second, those adventurers invaded into HIS and HIS FAMILIES home to murder for profit and he only seemed to come out with the murdering of those cute little tree guys. It can be inferred up until this point he and his family didn't care about humans being in the forest, but acted as soon as they attacked a weak creature to strip its corpse. If we're thinking about it from the MC's perspective people that they've done nothing to invaded their land, killed their people who couldn't fight back (Adventurers themselves described it as a weakling and there's no way they wouldn't have killed it had the monster surrendered or told them to stop), and stripped their corpse. What was he supposed to do in that situation? If he let them go they'd tell everyone else that the forest is a resource mine and they'd have even more adventurers to deal with that would go farther and farther into the forest (and closer to the spirits homes). What would the humans do when they find all those spirits? He gave them a chance to go if they dropped the fruits because even if they went back raving about this amazing treasure they found no one would believe them.

It's not the same thing as some hunter going into the woods, shooting some random deer, and getting someone angry. What would be a better comparison is what @Kernub stated or someone killing a person to rob them of their valuables so they can sell them. To the MC, humans are a hostile force that have no love for him, yet he gave those adventurers a way out without dying. All they had to do was drop the fruits but they didn't because they were blinded by the amount of money they'd make. You might have a point if they agreed to drop the fruits and he killed them when their backs were turned. MC actually dealt with them relatively quickly, it was the spirit sister that torched the other girl and that was in retaliation for trying to do the same thing to her precious family.

Also, with the "essentially killed an animal" how do you know that? How do you know those little tree guys are just some animal and weren't part of MC's family, screaming for help as they were being hunted down? They weren't being hunted for the adventurers survival, just those expensive fruits. Using the example of poaching elephants, this was like hunting a baby elephant that couldn't fight back just for profit and getting pissed that momma elephant and the rest of the herd went into a rage and stomped you.

I would say if you still don't get it then just go read something else.
Feb 13, 2019
@Kikaibaka do you think they hunt for the fucking exercise? No, they hunt to make money. To live. Cause you know, food and rent ain't fucking free. You know what? Ya'll are fucking INSANE, like bonkers. You are saying people hunting monsters, which AGAIN ATTACKED THEM, are okay to kill. I got SOUR news for you bub, in EVERY part of the world, if someone goes into some woods, kills a deer, and you off them cause you knew that deer, you're going to jail for your whole life. Cause that isn't MY morality, it's the human agreement, killing people is wrong, and killing people over stupid horse shit, is super wrong. You fucking people and your "edgy" crap is just an excuse for you to live out your fucked up fantasy of being able to off people for bullshit, that would get you fucking locked up in real life. So you look for shit like this so you can relate to it.
Active member
Dec 28, 2018
Thanks for that, you explained it much better than I did in my comment

Also, it's nice to see so many people reply to this guy. Always nice to see people relate to your viewpoint
Feb 13, 2019
@IncreaseSoup No. It is like killing a fucking deer. And if it ISN'T then the correct fucking choice is to say, hey that was a sentient thing that i knew. Not, leave your valuables or fucking die. World doesn't work that way sunshine. And how do YOU know it isn't just like a normal animal? Did it give any indication to the contrary? No. It fucking attacked them and growled a bunch. Period, full stop. That is all the info you have on the fucking thing. And do you know WHY? Because instead of explaining to the people that it was a thinking creature or something, he just fucking kills them. Gee, that should go well. A bunch of people vanish, so more come to look for them. Oh, more monsters, lets kill them. So instead of telling people that the monsters think, which again is a GUESS, it's just no, kill the people and let humanity think monsters are just monsters.

Fact is, these excuses, and they ARE excuses, would not work in any reality but this fiction. In no place on earth would this kind of shit fly. You'd be dunnzo in society forever if you did this. Because we have, once again, a catagory of mental illness that this type of thinking is attributed to. Killing someone without mercy or remorse is a big red flag of a sociopath. This isn't my opinion, it's a fact of our reality. Your rationalization is that of someone on the side of a person with an actual screw loose in the dome. If you don't like that, well too bad. YOU are the ones on that side. Maybe stop that, if you don't like being called the thing attributed to that line of thinking. It's like a racist or a sexist being mad about being called a racist or a sexist. Don't like it, stop being it.

Also, you ASSUME the family stuff. You assume the monsters are anything but. So far, we only know the ones that actually look human are human like. The tree stump reject could very well have been just that. Again, we don't fucking know cause the first response was death, rather than talking and explaining things.
Nov 12, 2018
@Eridian and if he let them live. more would come for those fruits. Like who cares if he kills them ??? they killed his family so he killed them ? Also you are reading way to into this. I on the other hand look forward to him killing more hoes in his territory that dont listen :)
Dex-chan lover
Jan 29, 2018
>Also, you ASSUME the family stuff.
"You destroyed our Home and took the lives of our family" - Hinori in Chapter 1.2
Before you start decrying something you should probably actually read it first.

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