Thanks for the chapter!
I'm surprised that all those characters believed the bully's stories about the MC. Then again, more likely just enjoyed spreading malicious gossip rather than took the info at face value. After all, at that age probably 95% of the kids were still virgins and if he didn't change his underwear would be able to smell him coming. Don't get why that Zhou Bu Qin is still trying to bully MC. Is he just too immature to grow out of it or too insecure to feel good about himself without trampling down somebody else? In any case, he should acknowledge MC is out of his league and realize his bullying is just making him look bad, not the MC.
@Pyrion These are memories of his childhood in his original world before entering the Fairy World for 300 years, cultivating, and somehow ending up in his 17 year old body in a world where women discovered how to cultivate and established a Matriarchal world instead of a Patriarchal world like he came from. Although don't get why guys don't work out to muscle up a bit. Even if can't beat a woman's cultivation in a fight, would be healthier, more appealing to others, and be able to do things with strength as guys are built to more easily gain and show muscle in the upper body.