When the servers are under heavy load, users get a page with an error 502 message, so some users keep trying to refresh the pages, and of course it doesn't solve the whole overload thing.
That's why I suggest a strategy to make users stop trying to refresh the page excessively: make the 502 error page redirect the user to a rickroll link, so they understand they'd better watch couple of videos to wait before the server load gets back to an acceptable level.
If such a redirection is deemed too extreme, the 502 error page can be improved anyway, for example by adding:
- some Buddhist quote about patience (something like "Enlightment will come if you stop refreshing the page furiously --Confucius")
- a link to MD's Discord server (so new users can come chat to kill time during the server overload)
- some message asking users to donate to upgrade the servers, and links to a user manual for them to learn how they can do it (A version of the user manual to donate should be made available somewhere else on the web, to be readable even during a server overload)
I know it's a controversial idea, but ads could even be added just to the 502 error page, so the overload time can at least bring money to upgrade the servers.
When the servers are under heavy load, users get a page with an error 502 message, so some users keep trying to refresh the pages, and of course it doesn't solve the whole overload thing.
That's why I suggest a strategy to make users stop trying to refresh the page excessively: make the 502 error page redirect the user to a rickroll link, so they understand they'd better watch couple of videos to wait before the server load gets back to an acceptable level.
If such a redirection is deemed too extreme, the 502 error page can be improved anyway, for example by adding:
- some Buddhist quote about patience (something like "Enlightment will come if you stop refreshing the page furiously --Confucius")
- a link to MD's Discord server (so new users can come chat to kill time during the server overload)
- some message asking users to donate to upgrade the servers, and links to a user manual for them to learn how they can do it (A version of the user manual to donate should be made available somewhere else on the web, to be readable even during a server overload)
I know it's a controversial idea, but ads could even be added just to the 502 error page, so the overload time can at least bring money to upgrade the servers.