In Another World, I'm Called: the Black Healer - Vol. 6 Ch. 42

Fed-Kun's army
Jan 19, 2018
"The rights are different for different reasons!"
Because, as you said, they aren't human. Correct? In fact I don't even think the mentally retarded can count as animals since most animals can survive on their own to a limited degree. A parrot with the intelligence of a parrot can survive. A human with the intelligence of a parrot can not.
Fed-Kun's army
Jan 19, 2018
"They're not morally human. "
Again, not human. I understand completely. They are not morally human and can not be morally treated as humans. They're less.
Active member
Jan 22, 2018
@givemersspls why would he destroy the world?, it's his world he can do whatever he want with it, have you destroyed your room/house just because you can?

he generally don't care what humans are up to unless they run counter to his interests, and he have just one and that is the thing, she is the only thing he seem to place any value in, everything else is off less/no importance.

About morals, why SHOULD i agree on anything?, that's my entire point, there must be a reason for people to care or they don't, hell people steal stuff for kicks, people can't have the wrong opinion, people can have the wrong fact, killing people is bad is a popular opinion, but killing people is not objectively bad since it leaves more resources for everyone else and reduce over population, objectively speaking killing people is good, except in very specific circumstances.

"the world is (relatively) round" that is a fact, if you say it's flat you are wrong. your hot stove falls into this category it's not a moral it's a fact.
"Killing people is bad" is a opinion, and if you say it's not you're just as wrong as the first person, opinions are never right or wrong just different and some things we agree on more then others.
Dex-chan lover
Oct 16, 2018
Kanzaki is disturbingly ok with this much yandere at once. The mood of that conversation had enough whiplash to break the spine of a snake.
What happened that made her stop caring about collateral damage?
Active member
Jan 22, 2018
@givemersspls seriously?....

we can agree on the fact that the sky is blue, that does not make it any more correct, since on the other side of the world it's black since it's night.

telling people what they SHOULD do, means you think you know better then them, and as we've seen in this forum many people agree that you don't know better then other people.

Morals are by their very Definition opinions, "concerns with the principles of right and wrong behaviour." since what is right and what is wrong is a opinion some vegans might think i lack morals simply because i like eggs on my toast., i think they are morons but that is my opinion.

Violence is a legitimate means to enforce whatever you want, the police use it all the time since they don't like you stealing stuff.

i can't use violence to punch you in the face until you agree with me, but you would probably agree just to get me to stop punching you while you still have some teeth.

But i will leave this conversation here because we will never see eye to eye, you think the world is black and white, that there is a objective good and evil, since you're saying there are correct morals, i don't agree, morals are flexible since what is okey to do here might not fly at all in other countries.

"Should not" does not equal "can not".
Aug 2, 2018
Anyone know who that lady who called Reene "plain and boorish little girl" is? I'm at a loss with naming some of the characters now. ?
Active member
Jan 18, 2018
@Chacha11 Check way earlier, around the 20th or so comment from the bottom, I called it would happen. ? It always does with these kinda ridiculous chapters, people overthink/overanalyse something the author probably wrote in a "shit, how do I even solve this? heh, whatever, need progress." moment. I guess some people enjoy doing that, that's cool, I'm not judging.
It doesn't have to make sense, it's just not well thought. The writing of this series hasn't been its strong point anyway imo, I still appreciate it as a whole, this chapter is just a small hickup.
Last time I read something along these lines was Potion Loli's well poisoning/napalm war crime debacle, THAT ONE was funny.
Dex-chan lover
Mar 22, 2018

She's Renee's new bodyguard from the Demonfolk side, she's also the daughter of the previous Demon Lord, I think, and seems to admire/adore/love/noticemeplz Noche. Although she's ordered to guard Renee from new troubles, she doesn't seem to like her much either right now.

It might be jealousy or some bias of some sort. People are speculating she might be a new conflict for Renee to deal with.
Dex-chan lover
Jul 19, 2018
@givemersspls I'm glad I wrote it in a way which you understood. Gotta just remember that authors and their help can be limited in not only resources, but knowledge and the ability to search for said knowledge. Having false things or mistakes makes the manga also seem a little more real in terms of interactions between beings and groups because we know in real life how often spread misinformation. Not sure if you've ever browsed reddit, specifically their news subs. There are loads of people who simply read the title and post inflammatory things in the comment section when the title could not only be inflammatory, but false and unrelated. You kinda have to have morons to go with your average and genius level intellects to even have a proper scale, otherwise average people would be considered the morons. Things being relative to standards and averages.
Group Leader
Jan 18, 2018
Okay guys. Killing innocent people is bad. And if you do. Your a sociapath. I think we all learnt that in school.
Dex-chan lover
Apr 20, 2018
wth when the comment section are several times longer than the chapter, actually it feels like it's longer than 1 chapter of a light novels
Dex-chan lover
Jan 18, 2018
@primrosea Seems to be mainly two persons having a long discussion, with a third one inserting something in between a few times. And all three have the exact same avatar picture, to make it look extra confusing.

Edit: No, wait, one of them had a slight variation in the picture.
Group Leader
Mar 23, 2018
This chapter is kinda realistic in that even if the Demon Lord actually did massacre innocents, there's absolutely nothing anyone can do about it, including the protagonist. I feel like, in the end, the protagonist was disturbed but had to shrug her shoulders and accept the reality that he's totally yandere.
Dex-chan lover
Aug 18, 2018
Too many walls of text, but I go with the "That was slaughter of innocent people" fraction. Jepp, why didn't Noche just teleported that guy out there and took his revenge. (Still murder, but at least without a "mass-" in front of it.)

Milly you freak. I liked you, but what BS is leaving your mouth? You couldn't >soul mate< with your guy, because it would make him grief even more about your death? Demonfolk only bound once, because the other half is so precious? Yeah, but killing innocent humans, not such a big deal. It's their kings fault. See the conflict here? Is live precious or not? Tell the grieving family members, how it's not Noche's fault for blowing up their beloved ones. Or is your lack of empathy, because you never met them? And because you will never meet them. You know, because they are powerless (can't take revenge/can't even sue) and they have so short life spans...Wow. I see a parallel to wars on the news and how I'm not affected either.
It's either that, Milly, or you demonfolk don't think all that high about humans. More like "humans = rats". Some are cute, but we could do without most of them.

Well, I kinda start to wish, that by a freak decision of Gaia, the next Demonlord should be one of the new human orphans, with some cheat abilities. I wanna see how this plays out in a few years.

EDIT: Well, there is one thing that MC could do. She could call Gaia and wish herself back to earth now, as she won't put up with being used as excuse to kill innocent people. And don't worry about Noche. As owner of a nervous system, my own mind and a spectrum of different emotions, like anger, compassion and rationality, I'm qualified to say, "It's that demonlords own fault, that she left him." ?

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