In My Previous Life, I Was A Saint, But Now I Want To Cut Corners - Vol. 1 Ch. 1.3

Dex-chan lover
Jan 24, 2018
So wait, she's 100 years in the future, where she has no idea what's the current royal family is like, but STILL decide she doesn't want to get involved with royal family because of one thot princess tricking her into committing suicide from the past life?

Wat? Wasn't she in love with the prince back then? It's not like all of her memories relate to the royal family were bad...
Group Leader
Oct 8, 2020
1,000 years in the future according to the web novel, She doesnt want to be involved currently but now seeing the second prince who might be marius she's second guessing herself. Read the webnovel :D next chapter also explains some stuff.
Group Leader
Oct 8, 2020
@Hastur2 direct follow up, i had orginally thought 1.1 and 1.2 would = chapter 1 as a whole (my mistake) so i combined the two and named it 1 when its 1.1 and 1.2 combined.
Jun 3, 2020
Either way would be fine. Usually I'd prefer whole chapter releases - but I feel like I'd have forgotten the story by that time. The broken up sections aren't too short, so I think that would be better :)
Dex-chan lover
Jan 11, 2020
I personally would prefer the weekly one more in parts than the monthly, if it was as short as some weekly ones i'd vote monthly but this one seems to be rather well paced.

Oh i'm sure she has, probably gonna also be some kind of misunderstanding too about what happened in the past too on the mc's part which will produce drama, but hey, that's what we read these kinds of stories for.
Jun 18, 2020
Seems like there is something missing between the two chapters though @Lorexen ,dunno what but the conversation doesn't really fit together.

Except for that, I would personally like a complete chapter more than the parts being put up one by one. Good job so far!
Group Leader
Oct 8, 2020
@Chuwa trust me as i translate the web novel next to do this, there is like an entire conversaiton missing, alot of details just like thrown out, so i was a little bit confused too so i tried my best to fit the missing parts from the web novel where i could to make it be more correct.
Dex-chan lover
Dec 18, 2018
@WhimsiCat : to be fair, the mere chance of another thot princess is kind of enough of a reason to keep a low profile until she knows more. Being ordered to suicide is kind of a deal breaker.
Dec 15, 2019
Question on page 6 TLNote -- Phil, was it? Could I ask what the name meaning the author chose for the name? Was the meaning of the name translated and the name itself was changed to match the meaning for the translation?

For Phil... I'd probably want to see the katakana or something to confirm, but based on the sound of the name, there may or may not have been the possibility of Fil being another possible option, unless the katakana is completely off/different. Fil would be something like.... thread or something for its meaning (loose search, may not be accurate)

Well, who knows how important the name is for this series, so as long as it's consistent... shouldn't be an issue, right? :p
Group Leader
Oct 8, 2020
@Gaerek I'm not at my computer right now but it did say in katakana that it ment "air" in an ancient language. I almost went with Souta which is japanese for sudden sound for wind. But I see wind goddess names be Aria in japanese works and others so I went with it. So that text box that said "it means wind in an ancient language" that was also there.
Group Leader
Dec 3, 2020
Obviously the Prince is reincarnated too. I dont know why they like to do this every Time. Let me Guess the Thot She "saved" is reincarnated too? I mean it's not that bad I just dont understand why they like to do this.
Dec 15, 2019
@Lorexen Ah~ makes sense~ Yeah, that translation/localization really becomes difficult when authors choose a name that doesn't line up nicely with other existing literature... I'm guessing the author probably didn't find the name or meaning important enough to be particularly picky with the details. Probably not a big deal as long as it's kept consistent (people probably wouldn't have noticed without you mentioning it unless they cross-checked raws or something -- but definitely a big thanks for the tidbit!)
May 20, 2018
Why are they mocking her for looking plain? She looks no different AT ALL compared to before and she is clearly one of the most beautiful people there...
Dex-chan lover
Jan 24, 2018
@sunranaka : Except her trauma make no sense.

She was in mutual love with the prince, who literally just proposed to her before she went off to do her job as saintess.

Her subconscious dislike of holy magic make more sense because that IS the thing leading to her becoming saintess and eventual death.
But the royalty part didn't make sense.
Dex-chan lover
Dec 18, 2018
@WhimsiCat : just being in love with someone does not mean there is no trauma, and based on the WN info about the circumstances in her previous life, trauma is not only acceptable but to F-ing be expected. In her past life she was not a person to them, but a tool and her death was final (but not only) proof of that. For all she knows the old BF could have been stringing her along to make her more compliant to the mistreatment.

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