In your opinion what is the most annoying/overused manga cliche?

Dex-chan lover
Apr 28, 2018
do beta self cuck MC that refuse to fuck girls that are literally throwing themselves at them begging for sex count as a cliche?
Feb 11, 2018
That character that gives up too easily as their personality.

Eh? But that's the best part about Tanaka-kun! :3
Chapter 7:


"We don't know how it works yet it works don't question it" trope WELL WHY DON'T YOU STUDY IT LIKE CURIOUS PEOPLE WOULD?!!!

Yesssssss this. In Death Note, I liked how far they went into exploring the mechanics and limits of the powers of the Death Note and whatnot. Code Geass and Steins;Gate didn't really go far enough in this regard to satisfy me. I guess I'm a scientist at heart :p

With Swap Swap, I like how they're gradually exploring more of the mechanics of their body swapping.
Chapter 31:

Same thing with Yamada-kun.
Chapter 10:

I also rather liked the scientific approach they take with regarding the magical powers in Brynhildr in the Darkness. I found the foresight user vs. foresight user arc pretty interesting.
Chapter 46:


Also, we got some of this medical drug, we want you to analyze it and make more of it. Easy, right? lol no
Chapter 23:



A few things that bug me include: Plot driven by Misunderstandings that could be solved with a simple conversation.
Series started by a misunderstanding that doesn't get cleared up no matter how much the story progresses;

Agreeeeee. I love it when characters are actually open with each other and actually communicate.

Yuunagi Marbled is a breath of fresh air; the MC defuses edgy drama tropes left and right, she's like a trained bomb squad professional.
Chapter 5:



Also, I love how in Vampiress Lord, the MC just tells her friend right away.
Chapter 1:

Jun 28, 2018
-Girls who fight wearing short skirts then call every guy who happens to see their strawberry panties a pervert, while the ACTUAL pervs get a pass bc “that’s just the way they are”.
-Harem. All of it.
-Love interests who never ever ever get together. There’s never any payoff. I’ve invested YEARS in reading some manga and the characters who have obvious chemistry either never get together, or they end up with random people. If love isn’t meant to be part of the story then I don’t care, but if it’s there and nothing ever happens with it it’s annoying.
-Boob falls. Nobody falls like that naturally.
-Pinky promises. Unless you’re 5, nobody does that.
-Bro/Sis Con. Just Eew. In some parts of the world it may be acceptable to walk right up to your brother by blood and slip him some tongue, but as a trope that’s used in manga when it does NOT indicate some serious mental disturbance on the part of the brother-obsessed character, it’s not “hot” it’s gross, and it’s way overused for any balanced person, IMHO.
-This is just a personal preference, not really a “theme”, just something I wish English translators would stop doing—honorifics. We don’t use them in English, if someone’s name is “Sasha”, we just say “Sasha”, if we use someone’s last name we put a Mr. or Ms. in front of it to denote respect, and I wish ppl translating into English would make it how English speakers actually converse rather than us having to try and keep up with all the kun, sama, chan, etc bc to me, it just adds to confusion. Again, personal preference, it’s not like it’s “wrong” IMO, just not how English speaking natives read or speak. If I were translating into a different language, I would want to make it easier for them to read, not harder. We don’t need honorifics to understand where a character is in the pecking order or how old they are bc that’s not something we use to identify those things.
-All Isekai being treated like a game. So you’re in a different world, what part of that automatically gets you a status bar and level ups? Stupid. It makes it hard to take the story seriously. I love Shield Hero, but really hate that part of the story.
-the “keep smiling no matter how shitty things get”. To me, that’s just silly. I see that in a lot of manga, and to me that’s just an unhealthy outlook to have. Every time a character says that it drives me insane.

Ok, I’ve ranted long enough, LOL.


Mar 27, 2019
Romance protagonists with horrible personalities. Either they're so bland that no one would bother talking to this person for more than 30 seconds, or they're just genuinely horrible people. I like stories with ordinary and/or flawed characters, but some stories take ordinary and push it to "No discernable personality traits" or push flawed to "RUN AWAY FROM THIS PERSON". Dial it back, mangamaker. Give your ordinary character some personal interests and habits. Give your flawed character enough self-awareness to not be unrelentingly awful to everyone they meet.

Harem. Isekai. Isekai harem. Harem isekai.

Also I don't like long strip format, but that's just a reading preference. There's just not enough variety in the layout or pacing to hold my interest.
Dex-chan lover
Aug 10, 2018
I have a lot of time on my hands with 3rd shift sometimes lol.


I don’t understand characters that are essentially asexual or are the “Chaste Hero” at times especially isekai. As you said women will essentially throw themselves at the MC and they will proceed to step over them.

It doesn’t help that they give some BS lackluster/stupid excuse. You would expect them to at least have some form of libido. Don’t get me started on the characters that are either the “Pervert or I am a Isekai character but want 100 people in my harem. But I won’t do anything due to (insert something here) trope.” It feels like this can be paradox as it’s commentary on the character's lack of "maturity”.
Dec 26, 2018
Similar to points raised by @Xzayer and @Ununseti: I may have mentioned this in a thread elsewhere on this site, but I'm so over characters not being able to just...communicate to clear up misunderstandings. I understand that, yes, there is a slight cultural component in the sense that Japanese social etiquette tends to discourage blunt directness, but if you can clearly see that a problem is about to arise, speak up! Instead of sitting there, stammering with your hands on gyaru-of-the-week's chest while your student council love interest just stares at you in shock, move your hands and use your words!

I've also heard the argument that, "If there's no misunderstanding, then there's no story." That, to me, just says "Couldn't be bothered to come up with any plot impetus; time to roll out the forced misunderstanding cliché." If your story relies on your character's inability to express a basic set of facts, that's a problem of the writing, not a problem of the character. Unless your character has an openly-acknowledge, plot-related reason for having difficulty conversing (like Komi-san, for example), there's no reason why this has to be the thing that progresses your plot.

MC-kun: "Wait, Harem-chan!"
Harem-chan: "What is it?"
MC-kun: "'s nothing..."
Harem-chan: "You're so silly! Bye-bye! ☆"
Dex-chan lover
Apr 28, 2018
1) when you read a story, there is a male MC, and female(s) MC, they want male MC dick, and author introduces a new (usually bad) character having sex with random hoes, maybe they show shadows, or sounds, or just something somehow let you know this new character is fuckin bitches while MC is not.

It happens a lot, I am sure many of you read some stories where mc is soft wood then some new character is banging bitches like nothing.

my problem is that clearly, the author is not being denied the fucking bitches since he makes some new random character fuck bitches, so why not make MC fuck bitches?
Feb 4, 2018
Well, to talk about Isekai...
I really, REALLY HATE when Isekai use videogame system (level, skills, inventory, stat window, appraisal, etc...), even more when it's with something like "you gain ability of the ennemy you eat !", even more if it's a harem.

It's absolutely horrible. 99% of Isekai using this are absolute thrash, with some miracle here and there like Fran and Daddy Sword .
It's really not good for the market, we got way too much copy/paste story with this.
I hate how Isekai Mc are most of time a teenager with black hair, even if he was 40 or 120 y old before.
I hate Isekai OP characters since the beginning with "cheat". Fucking thrash. What's the point of reading when you know MC will never have any problem/challenge ?

For cliché Rom-coms Harem :

- The first girl win trope. What's the point of a harem when you know since the 1st chapter how the story will end ?
It make only the others girls as fillers characters, and you feel bad for them, trying to gain MC attention in vain.
If a story is like this, it's most of time a really low quality manga, no need to buy it.

-Dumb MC. Oblivious to everything. shy until the end (will NEVER confess to his crush before he fall for Main girl ). Can't reject anyone, even when the girl is very annoying (hello Tsundere) or just a THOT.
Mc with alzheimer, how can they ALWAYS forget a big promise they did years ago as a child ? Seriously ? Even a Red fish have better memory than this.

-Girls loving MC for no reason, just because he is...normal, not even really nice.

And lot of others cliche.
Dex-chan lover
Jul 4, 2018
Wow this thread grew so much. Who knew that hatred would bring so many people together?


-Harem. All of it.

I mean, I'd read a harem if it's well-written. One of my favourite mangas, 5Toubun no Hanayome is a harem so obviously I'd defend it.

It's not that the genre is inherently bad, it's just that you haven't found any good ones with organic character building and realistic situations and well as character interactions. I think that all the harems you read so far are just trash. Give some good harems a chance.

Two more suggestions:
Bokutachi was Benkyou have
Ichigo 100%
But start with 5Toubun and be sure to choose best girl Miku.

@kronix Honestly that sounds like a hentai without the hentai. Have you been reading a smut series?


Well, to talk about Isekai...
I really, REALLY HATE when Isekai use videogame system (level, skills, inventory, stat window, appraisal, etc...), even more when it's with something like "you gain ability of the ennemy you eat !", even more if it's a harem.
I mean, Slime Tensei and Shield Hero are basically two textbook examples of your exact description and yet both of them are one of the anime fandom's favourite fantasy animes. It's not the premise that matters, it's the execution.
Aggregator gang
Sep 25, 2018
love triangles.
90% of love triangles are included just for the sake of making the main couple like each other more, which sounds fine but it always takes a ridiculous amount of time to end and the rival is almost always borderline rapey.
if you cant grow your characters without forced drama then you're not a very good writer
Mar 19, 2019
I can't really explain this well, but that character that's half-Japanese, half-something else (usually American) and the characteristics that often come attached to them. For example: overly touchy, loud without regard to their surroundings, flamboyant, ignorant to Japanese culture, etc. They don't have to be genetically different either, the character could have simply lived abroad and came back with these attitudes.

Simply put, I'm not a big fan of how the writers use these stereotypes to show the reader that this person is "not Japanese, because Japanese people would definitely never be like this!!". Of course there are people like this, but it's not all to other cultures in the world. Using these character traits to create that token funny, sometimes sensual, joke character makes me roll my eyes and cringe. Like, I need a moment when this character appears and I'd seriously contemplate dropping a series because of this.

I don't mean to say that Japanese authors are they only ones to do this, this thread is about manga. I generally don't like when other cultures only know the bare minimum of another culture and still try to 'represent' it in whatever media just 'cause it's.. cool? Exotic?

Another type of character I utterly despise is the rich and dumb-as-bricks male love interest, who is also, the main one. This dude is so, unfathomably, just--the WORST! I cannot. I cannot with this character. Completely unaware, absolutely stupid, hot-headed, unambitious, throws their parent's money around, has to be babied, walks around thinking they're hot stuff. NOTHING good about this person except for the fact that they love the main character like a puppy, in my humble opinion. Oh, and they are THE person the main character falls in love with which BLOWS my mind in to oblivion.
Fed-Kun's army
Jul 30, 2018
@sterven Yep. All these authors writing gods that act that way... It irritates me. But even more irritating is when the MC takes it for granted and even believes that the god(s) owes them even more.
Dex-chan lover
Aug 10, 2018
Never underestimate the power of hatred

I believe they do the half Japanese characters for cheap laughs. As certain cultural taboos about boundaries, communication, and language will seem more relevant to people that have encountered foreigners. That said I don’t agree with it as some of the characters are absolutely unbearable, just lazily written.


I’m with DAN on this one as it does sound like a hentai without the hentai. Some authors want eyeballs on their manga so they will resort to anything but not commit to it.

I’m probably just speculating here but it could be that they are inserting their our feelings, thoughts, opinions, and insecurities on the overall characters.

Ive noticed this especially if the MC is bland, basically a cardboard cutout and is somewhat generic. As story progresses we will be introduced to another character introducing “Adonis” over here. Who has no qualms about sex and chases after anything (human, nonhuman, pulse, no pulse).

Possibly the author does this to have a contrast who they are vs what they want to be. But overall just speculating. What kills me though is when MC’s have the desire and opportunity but (insert ridiculous excuse) causes them to reconsider.
Dex-chan lover
Apr 15, 2018
- Secondary character is a spy, an informant or is investigating a conspiracy. Doomed to die.
- Character is ugly. Doomed to die, regardless of which side he's on.
- Character coughs a little. Doomed to die.
- Shonen magazine manga has a serviceable story, but great art. Doomed to die.
- Genuinely optimistic/positive/normal secondary character in an edge fest. Doomed to die/suffer excruciatingly.
- Old, competent man in an action series. Doomed to die.
- Boring childhood friend/"I always loved you from afar" girl doesn't stand a chance of winning. Doomed to die, guilt-tripping the audience into feeling bad for her.
- Main cast has a 2 : 12 Male to Female ratio. Second guy is doomed to never be relevant. Also, if it's an action series, will probably die.
- Military/police force (magical or not) shows up. Doomed to die, and really easily to boot.
- Depressing SoL, but things are finally starting to look up. Character is suddenly shown crossing the road, doomed to die.
Mar 7, 2019
Pretty much any isekai lately. The genre is over-saturated and it's a minefield of lazy writing premises.


Any romance where the girl(s) has a specific feature/personality/quirk that they're self-conscious over, and they fall in love with the (usually) male character because he (usually bluntly) calls her cute.
Dex-chan lover
Sep 6, 2018
Okay here are mine that I hate the most

Characters who only use the third person to refer to themselves
It's fucking dumb no one talks like that period
Like, have you ever met someone that actually does that? No you probably haven't and if you have I'm heartily sorry
I guess it's meant to be a cute quirk but it isn't and it never will be. I hate how translators keep that shit in because it doesn't work that way in english. It doesn't work that way in any of the romance languages. It makes them sound like either like fucking morons or psychopaths.
I think characters who exhibit this trait are the worst and should probably be shot on sight

Why are they still a thing in manga and anime? Why is this still a common thing? This is just archaic and overused. It's 2019 current year argument can't we move past nosebleeds?
Dex-chan lover
Sep 16, 2018
@Ranzo I think nosebleed are metaphor for when a guy pop up a boner.
Since showing a guy have a boner and the guy awkwardly trying to hide it aren't exactly funny,
they replace it with a guy having a nosebleed and also awkwardly got sent flying by it (like they trying to hide the nosebleed/boner or something).
Dex-chan lover
Sep 6, 2018
I get the concept behind it but it's been going on forevvvvvver
Also I've noticed a ton of women also getting nosebleeds for the same reason so it's not exclusive to men
I just think it's incredibly overused and overplayed
Dex-chan lover
Jul 9, 2018
- When someone gets isekai'd and immediately figures out some round-peg-goes-into-round-hole problem that the people of the world have somehow been struggling with for generations. It wouldn't be as grating if the author was a bit clever about how it is resolved, but ya know, isekai is a gravy train and not a vehicle for creative thought.

- When characters have a misunderstanding or take a very long time to understand information that has already been revealed to the audience.

- Not so much a trope, but a genre-- I don't like stories that focus on revenge via sexual violence

- Overly self-sacrificing shoujo protagonists and overly abusive and/or tactless male leads

- When they reuse character designs from other series. i.e. tsundere girl with two ponytails, blonde big boob girl who drinks a lot, black haired student guy, spikey redhaired guy, etc.

- Continuing with character design complaints: when one drop of European blood results in someone who's 3/4ths Japanese being born 100% Scandinavian.

- How when you read a yaoi or sometimes a yuri, and one character "has" to be the "girl" and the other "has" to be the "boy." Just let them both be of the same gender, which is supposed to be part of the point. Also there's a lot of stupid stuff when it comes to height differences. It's like one half of the couple will be an NBA player and the other half has to be Tyrion Lannister. Why?

- Seems like most fantasy/isekai manga never deal with the full implications of the societies they set up. Like, one minute they'll be going on about how they were a drone in their previous life but don't give a second thought to how they currently live in a castle full of faceless maids/butlers/etc. who seemingly have no significance outside of waiting on them hand-and-foot. Everyone's a noble but what the actual country is like is a mystery. Like, fine, but it's like weird how the setting is basically only aesthetic. Set one of these things in space for all that.

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