@AlmondMagnum People tend to over-reach one way or another when discussing the topic of the poor, either holding them up as universal Poor Unfortunate Souls or painting them as entirely responsible for their fate. As usual the truth has elements of both but can't be factually or accurately called either.
It's almost guaranteed that the poll was rigged to some degree, but probably not as much as you think. To use an old Scottish farmer's analogy from when I visited the highlands a while back (brogue has been removed for legibility, sorry

), "Sheep are always scared of the sheepdogs because they can't really tell the difference between sheepdogs and wolves."
You're also giving the poor too much credit. While the rich are at risk of developing a sort of schizophrenia ("The world is defined by how my money manipulates it") and the middle class are at risk of developing a sort of exhaustion based apathy ("I'm too busy working here, fuck off"), the poor are at risk of developing a version of lazy ruthlessness ("Morality is a one way street, from the well off to me, so anything goes"). Poor people who win the lottery usually sink right back into being poor because they feel no need to spend it wisely, and refuse to use any of it to pay for help, and the poor are frequently the biggest predators of each other.
Modern day American inner cities are excellent demonstrations of this.
@Soleilsky You're also advocating for the slaughter of everyone who supports Mu and Beiyang Fleet, as well as a huge category of people who have committed no crimes, done no real wrong to anyone, and all the unknown souls who have done good for others but will never be known by "the world".