Thanks for the chapter!
Holy race this and Holy race that. Seems all the higher ups keep thinking becoming a Holy Race is the greatest thing and humanity are just ants to trod underfoot. Yet as Mu said, humanity still beat the Holy Races who used all their technology and know how and yet the bad guys think they can rise up with the few pieces of Holy Race tech they cobbled together? Really should stop eating evil, corrupt and toxic enemies or he's really going to get a bad case of indigestion and heartburn.
Hu probably doesn't need to worry about the family members does care about since having a high position would mean having high security to protect against assassination attempts, especially with all the news about them being targeted. Speaking of Hu, does anyone recognize what they're barbecuing? Also, anyone else think reason Himiko is giving Xiao Pao such a hard time is because she's still pissed about Pao forcing a ring on her finger and measuring her legs? As for whether Mu should be in charge of the 3 fleets and combine them into one I'd say no. Each fleet can specialize in one thing and take action without all the trouble of contacting him about what should do when something happens. Also, a little rivalry between fleets promotes motivation and desire to stay on top among members which is harder to do if he monopolizes the fleets. Take the bad guys for example, they keep thinking that they're hot stuff, that to stand against them is courting death, and that their high position as a leader of such and such means they can do what they want and don't need to work hard. Then they encounter someone they should have been able to handle better, like the angels, and end up getting creamed instead.