Is it Normal to Raise a Yandere Heroine as a Villainess ?! - Ch. 37 - Punishment

Sep 18, 2020
I think you are right and she did actually recreate it. I ought to have checked more closely.
This looks pretty much identical, so it seems like a safe assumption that it was recreated. I assumed it was being used as a shortcut to stay more comedic, rather than writing an extended arc about Jang having to adapt to a environment where she can't fully rely on her past strengths and is dealing with some level of trauma, and therefore that the talisman couldn't be recreated easily.
It's hard to figure out what the deal is with the talisman - look at the period between the final killing of the monster and the point where she realises what's happened after stabbing Dew, it wavers a bit, disappears, but then suddenly reappears in the scene where Jiang dispells her sword. And then, it also wavers when Jiang is jumping Dew after teleporting away from the dance, much the same way it did before she finally snapped and used star magic (or whatever it is) to kill the monster, until it fires off properly and knocks her out on Dew's heaving bosom. But it's not there at all the next morning, and Jiang explicitly mentions it . . .

I was thinking it might have automatically reconstituted itself or something like that, but it went away during the fight and then came back with enough functionality to be able to knock her out later on, before disappearing completely after that - perhaps it went away completely after firing off like that, and before it was doing something else, maybe under the influence of the Dark Jiang at the dance?
On the other hand, there has definitely been a change before and after, with her generally seeming more emotionally vulnerable and unsure of herself. We don't really know how the talisman works, now that the repressed emotions resurfaced. Maybe it has more to do with her extreme guilt destroying her confidence, combined with her desire to keep Calamity's approval. The talisman has never been 100% effective, so it could be that her emotions are that strong here. The effect could be similar to not having the talisman in that she she has to rely on her nonexistent emotional regulation skills for what is failed to be suppressed.

Since the rational part of her still thinks what they're doing is inappropriate, the talisman might make it more likely that she actually does run away on her own and "loses", thereby failing to prove herself and feeling more guilty rather than less. That would be a way to through Calamity off balance as well, who seems pretty confident in her techniques here and would have to figure out how to handle them backfiring on her.
I think the most likely thing is that the talisman is both imperfect at controlling Jiang's emotions, and also kind of unreliable even when it's working "properly", particularly when her emotions are particularly complex or conflicted. Which is clearly very much the case right now - she wants the gex with Dew, bad, but she's also trying desperately to resist that desire, while on the third hand she wants to prove to Dew that she's fully in control . . . What's the talisman supposed to do in this scenario - suppress all her emotions? Reinforce or suppress the strongest emotion, and leave the rest? Knock her out? Unless the talisman is secretly an AI of some sort it's got no way of picking a good option, so I'd guess it'll either do nothing or do something pretty much random (probably for comedic effect).

So I'd say the changes we've seen in her behaviour and thinking are probably mostly a result of her feelings getting more and more conflicted as she's more and more conscious of her attraction towards Dew, and more and more aware of how far Dew is willing to go. The talisman is probably just making things a bit more unpredictable . . .
Dex-chan lover
Mar 27, 2023
Something I was thinking about is that narratively, we may also be missing the forest for the trees. The actual solution is to tell Jang "I'm a version of Stardew/Calamity who is older than you, become a power mage, and gone through some difficult times that has changed my personality". Jang would probably then relate to Stardew more and want to help her. Jang blaming her seems unlikely since Jang is in less control than her. If anything, Jang is the one who needs her help more than Calamity, outside of the infinite looping situation that is admittedly a big deal.

Since Calamity thinks she needs to maintain the shoujo MC persona instead, Jang feels like she's endangering and corrupting her. That is a major source of humor and conflict in this arc where the solution is just to be honest and have Calamity realize someone is capable of liking her for who she is. Since she has quite a lot of experience with that not working, we get to see her trying everything else first, but probably nothing else can work or it would undercut the future dramatic scene. Maybe Jang gets kidnapped by a plot event and has to be rescued, thereby unmasking Calamity's mage powers, and then they become closer, or something like that.

That would allow the story to shift from "I came here because I became powerful and then realized my favorite person needed help" to "We both are dealing with some things and can support each other through it", a kind of a more balanced relationship where Jang does not feel like she has to be the flawless adult in the room.
Dex-chan lover
Jul 26, 2023

Dear Satan, please give me strength. I hate Winnie the Pooh so much...

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